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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: No subject
From: rrossi@btv.ibm.com (Ronald D Rossi)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 08:24:53 -0400
                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 13-Jul-96, 14-Jul-96

    Callsign Used : N1PBT
         Operator : N1PBT

         Category : SOLP Phone Only (100W)

 Default Exchange : 5908

             Name : Ronald D. Rossi
          Address : RR1 Box 1543
   City/State/Zip : Swanton, VT  05488-9713
          Country : United States

  Operating Time = 20 hours

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones        Pts/QSO
 _______________________________________________________       --------

   80SSB      13          13         23       1         4        1.79
   40SSB      54          54        120       7        11        2.22
   20SSB     395         390        864      13        22        2.22
   15SSB      99          99        205       6        13        2.07
   10SSB      19          19         31       1         4        1.63

 Totals      580         575       1243      28        54        2.16

    Final Score = 101926 points.

Equipment:  Ten-Tec Omni-D into Butternut HF6V vertical

      Continent List  iaru96

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0    10    36   286    70    16    418
  VE calls    =      0     2     3    16     5     0     26
  N.A. calls  =      0     0     0     8     3     0     11
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     3     6     7     1     17
  Euro calls  =      0     1    10    64    13     2     90
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     1     1     0      2
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0     2     0     0      2
  JA calls    =      0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  Ocen calls  =      0     0     2     6     0     0      8

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     1     0     0      1

  Total calls =      0    13    54   390    99    19    575

Unknowns on 20 = T00SW

About an hour before the contest I got on the air and was greeted
with reports of poor audio quality...either too mushy, or poppy and
distorted, or no presence...arrghhh!  I tried to find what was
wrong or different.  I had no luck...go for the best compromise
gain setting!  Homebrew is great, but you need time on the air between
contests to make sure things are still working fine.  I am wiring up
a new mic input circuit to allow me to use the two dynamic mics that
I have not yet tried.  Some on the air comparisons will be in order.

I enjoyed better rates this year compared to last.  10m quantity was
down, but there were Europeans there!!  You see I got my HF ticket
in Febrary of 1994...I don't know what it is like to have the high
bands open.  I'd like to think that there was some skill improvement
since last year. The low bands certainly were not better this year
by a long shot!  Was so exausted from 4-5 hours a night sleep every
day the week before the contest that I was starting to see things
by 0900Z...I went to bed despite my urge to at least meet last years
Q total or score!  This contester needs a spanking!! Thank you sir
may I have another!  I ended up with 5.4% fewer contacts in 16.7%
less time.  That is a 13.5% improvement in rate however (I have to
find a bright side to walking off the court early)!

I was bummed to hear Alaska on 40m not working split (or at least
listening up).  There were few stations listening up for that
matter.  Were the rates that good (didn't sound it)?  Were they
as ill equiped to work split as I was last year (no second VFO)?
Did they not know US was hearing fine, but unable to respond?  It
was funny to hear a US station follow KL7Y below 7.1MHz.  I have to
admitt to the urge to do just the same. Dan politely set him straight 
however, but I was left with the feeling he thought Dan shouldn't be 
there...oh well.

I got a few new ones for me without spending much time (was calling
CQ or S/P on the other VFO)...ZD8Z and TR8IG.  I only worked 13 WRTC
stations plus the two bonus AH8s.

Here's my zone/HQ break out.

   1.           08  310
   2.           07   72
   3.           06   36
   4.           28   27
   5.           27   24
   6.           14   11
   7.           04   10
   8.           09    8
   9.           29    7
  10.           11    7
  11.         ARRL    5
  12.           12    5
  13.           02    5
  14.           37    5
  15.           18    4
  16.         SARA    3
  17.         DARC    3
  18.        MRASZ    3
  19.         RSGB    3
  20.           10    2
  21.           03    2
  22.           39    2
  23.          FRR    2
  24.           61    2
  25.           55    2
  26.           59    2
  27.         LRMD    1
  28.          CRC    1
  29.         IRTS    1
  30.          ZRS    1
  31.         SRAL    1
  32.          SRJ    1
  33.         UARL    1
  34.          SSA    1
  35.           15    1
  36.           66    1
  37.           52    1
  38.        VERON    1
  39.           01    1

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <><

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