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[3830] W1NN NAQP SSB

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] W1NN NAQP SSB
From: woffutt@davinci.netaxis.com (wallace offutt)
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 18:06:45 -0400 (EDT)
NAQP SSB Results for W1NN (Single Op)

Call   Score   QSOs   Mults

W1NN   7,250   125     58

Time:   2.5 hours

Breakdown by Band

160     0      0
75      0      0
40     16     10
20     44     19
15     40     20
10     25      9

      125     58


After a very unremarkable start, at 2100Z the storm took out one antenna
and the electricity for the next 13 hours, putting an end to this contest
for me.  20 just wouldn't play from this end (I seem to get out better in
the winter than the summer; perhaps the leaves on the trees absorb part of
the RF?), and although 10 and 15 were sort of open, there were few
stations on.  I did manage to work KY, TN, GA, IN, NC, and MO in addition
to nearby CT, NY and NJ on 10.  The signals from the south were often S9. 

You Tennessee guys are doing something right!  What a great turnout for
both phone and CW.  Maybe one of you could enlighten the rest of us as to
how you are getting such participation? 


Hal Offutt W1NN

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