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[3830] K6RCC M/S SSCW

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K6RCC M/S SSCW
From: edwoods@pbsac01.isp.pacbell.com (Woods, Eric D (pb-Edwoods))
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:44:00 -0800

                        ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1997

      Call: K6RCC                    Section: SV
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160        0        0        -         NADA
       80        1        2        -         Tin Can in Goat's Mouth
       40      297      594        -         Pro 67 @ 80'
       20      305      610        -         "
       15      417      834        -         "    
       10        7       14        -         "

     Totals   1027     2054       79

               Score:  162,266

Power Output: 1000 watts     Hours of operation:24

Operator List: K6OM, K6GV, AA6WJ

Equipment Description:765, Alpha 86

Club Affiliation: River City Contesters

     Started 15 min late fixing autoexec.bat in Randy's machine (my fault 
from CQP)
     Did OK, but missed 80 M.  Somehow, the delta loop became a 6:1 swr load 
     anybody noticing until it was needed.

     Sounds like we should do a better job of preparation next year.

     Got home at 0730 Z and turned the TV to ESPN 1.  I guess they were 
having some
     kinda troubles because the only audio on was CW.  It decoded to WQN3 
then a
     bunch of 3 numeral groups and then ESPN.  Just what I needed to hear 
after 500
     Q's was 25 wpm cw on my tv!

     I see that NCCC is following RCC's lead in M/S operation as way to 
     club scores.  Unfortunatly,  they seemed to have done a better job than 
     did.  My hat is off to you guys.

Eric, K6GV

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