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[3830] KU8E CW Sprint Score

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KU8E CW Sprint Score
From: KU8E@worldnet.att.net (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 20:52:55 -0400

    KU8E    CW Sprint

    20 meters  - 95
    40 meters  - 115
    80 meters  - 80                       290 x 44 mults = 12760

   Team : Mad River Radio Club    
   comments :

     My best sprint score ever. ( from home and away)  I was totally
    amazed I did this well using just wire antennas ! In the past I
    used my center fed zepp on 20 meters but for this time put up
    a 20 meter dipole up in the clear and it made a HUGE difference.
    Seems like activity was way up. Glad to see this since this is my
    favorite contest.

                                       Jeff  KU8E


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