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[3830] KU7Y Stew Perry SO/QRP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KU7Y Stew Perry SO/QRP
From: ku7y@dri.edu (Monte Stark)
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 00:41:09 +0000
    Callsign Used : KU7Y
         Operator : KU7Y

         Category : QRP 4w

 Default Exchange : DM09

             Name : Monte Ron Stark
   City/State/Zip : Washoe Valley, NV  89704
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   

  160CW       73          69        174 

 Totals       73          69        174 

    Final Score = 174 points X 4 = 696 points.

 QRP on 160m is always fun! Biggest thrill was calling CQ and having
 KH7R call me. Biggest disappointment was in not having a good opening
 to the east coast. Only a hand full of eastern stations heard and
 none were as strong as in the ARRL 160 test. Reading "Two Hundred
 Meters and Down" while calling CQ is always fun when someone calls!

73,  Ron, KU7Y

NRA Life------Ex W6JXO, DL4RF, N7CRV------SOWP #5545-M
QRP ARCI #8829----NorCal #330----QRP-L #17-----ARS #49
AR QRP #150--------DM09cg---------New Washoe City,  NV

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