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[3830] OH0JJS ARRL DX CW 1999

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] OH0JJS ARRL DX CW 1999
From: jukka.klemola@nmp.nokia.com (Klemola Jukka (NMP))
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 10:31:00 +0200
                              ARRL DX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 20-Jan-99, 21-Jan-99, 21-JAN-99

    Callsign Used : OH0JJS
         Operator : OH6LI

         Category : SINGLE OPERATOR SINGLE BAND 15 M

 Default Exchange : 599KW

             Name : Jukka Klemola
          Address : Aarontie 5
   City/State/Zip : 31400 SOMERO
          Country : Aland Is.

        Team/Club : Contest Club Finland

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   15CW     1251        1239       3717      58

 Totals     1251        1239       3717      58

    Final Score = 215586 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Was expecting a little bit better conditions.
 From our location with A index of 60+ there was a lot of fun anyway.
Snowstorm could have been easier, too; but there is no challenge we
would not take.
Using computer for logging seems to be still the biggest challenge
when geting tired.

 Thank you all for QSOs and see you next year with a shorter callsign.

Rigs kw + homebrew 4/4 el up 9/16m on top of a 100m hill.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards

 Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call

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  • [3830] OH0JJS ARRL DX CW 1999, Klemola Jukka (NMP) <=