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[3830] K7BG ARRL DX SSB SO AB Assisted

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K7BG ARRL DX SSB SO AB Assisted
From: aa7bg@3rivers.net (K7BG Matt Trott)
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:06:42 -0700 (MST)

K7BG             HP 199      199  120,594               SO AB Assisted

10 hours here and there.

Band    Q's     Mults
- ------        -----   -------
160        4       4
 80        9       9
 40      20      20
 20      54      54
 15      68      68
 10      44      44
        -----   -----
        199     199             Score: 120,594

Tried to work 330 x (330 x 6 bands). Fell a little short. I will send a
brand new 4-slice toaster to the first SO that makes it.  And they say 79 x
79 in SS is hard!

First time in assisted class. Kinda fun following the spots.

Matt -- K7BG

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