Uploaded this to "3880" over 12 hours ago. I'll try again-
Here's the preliminary W0AH AB SO unassisted QRP results-
band QSOs points mults
160 0 0
75 10 30 6
40 32 93 14
20 117 351 53
15 196 588 67
10 237 711 48
TOTAL 591 1773 188 SCORE: 333,324
I operated about 30 hours, sleeping 6 hours both nights, but I sure felt
like I got less sleep. Maybe it was the thousands of times I called stations
to make 591 Q's!
Still, QRP remains one of my favorite contest "modes" and challenges. It was
all S&P except for a short JA run Sunday afternoon. I never did get a strong
European opening on 20M with very few stations peaking S 6. 10M didn't open
to Europe at all on Sunday.
Those JA's really have good ears (or maybe less QRM?). I worked 69 on
ten, 54 on fifteen, 10 on twenty (I must have spent too much time elsewhere),
12 on forty, and 1 on seventy-five, which was the highlight of the contest for
me. Whereas all the other high power stations usually needed to be about S 6
to hear me (and much higher on 40 and 80), the JA high power stations
consistenetly copied me when they were only S 5.
MURPHY: High winds broke the top loading wires on my 160M vertical
Wednesday, and it was too windy to repair them later in the week. I usually
do a serious QRP effort at least once a year and, since the lack of 160M would
penalize me very little on QRP, this was a good time for it. My Cushcraft 2
element 40M beam didn't work the first night, but I was able to fix it (a bad
coax connection) the next day and work some 40M DX the second night.
I worked 86 countries total, about equal to my QRP best at the top of
the past two sunspot cycles when I was using inferior equipment. My QRP ARRL
SSB contest score was the highest reported since AA2U's 1994 425K during the
last sunspot cycle. Randy, and other coastal stations (or someone else?) that
haven't reported yet, probably topped my score this year.
EQUIPMENT: FT-1000D, Bird and Oak Hills Research QRP wattmeters,
KT-34XA at 41 feet, Cushcraft 2 el 40M beam at 49', Hightower vertical for
75/40/20, NA on pentium computer. I'm located on a hill with good HAAT,
except south.
I have a second Hightower to go up soon and hope to phase them on 80M and
maybe 40M.
Hope everyone had as much fun as I did.
Doug W0AH central Colorado
ARCI #6111 Colorado QRP Club Charter Member #39
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/COHOLIDAY/holiday.html";>Colorado Vacation?
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Submissions: 3830@contesting.com
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