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[3830] LA8W (LA4DCA op.) SOAB HP UA TS

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] LA8W (LA4DCA op.) SOAB HP UA TS
From: bergheim@c2i.net (Bjorn Henning Bergheim)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 20:30:41 +0200
                              CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 27-Mar-99, 28-Mar-99

    Callsign Used : LA8W
         Operator : LA4DCA

         Category : SOAB HP UA TS
 Default Exchange : #

             Name : Bjorn Henning Bergheim
          Address : Kyrre Greppsgate 8
   City/State/Zip : N-0481 Oslo
          Country : Norway

        Team/Club : Lima Alfa Contest Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs      Points   Prefixes   
  160SSB      31           65        9 
   80SSB     220          503      153 
   40SSB      32          105       28 
   20SSB     795         1596      180 
   15SSB    1515         3888      470 
   10SSB     106          298       60 

 Totals     2699         6455      900 

    Final Score = 5809500 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 This was not supposed to be a serious effort.
 First: I don't like SSB very much.
 Second: I hurt my back, just three days before the contest. So I was
 not sure if I could stand 36 hours in the chair.
 Hearing LA9HW also entering SOAB, changed my mind. 
 Back hurt, but took a brake every now and then to stretch out.

 See you in CW part.

 Bjorn / LA4DCA @LA8W


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  • [3830] LA8W (LA4DCA op.) SOAB HP UA TS, Bjorn Henning Bergheim <=