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[3830] KG6OK M/M CQ-WPX-CW 1999 Results

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KG6OK M/M CQ-WPX-CW 1999 Results
From: herbr@netcom.com (Herb Rosenberg)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:24:27 -0700 (PDT)
CQ World-Wide WPX Contest 1999         MODE: CW

CALL: KG6OK    LOCATION: Santa Ana, CA.  Zone 3

CLASS:      Multioperator / Multi-Transmitter (2 stations)


Band         QSOs      QSO points     Pts/QSO         Prefixes
160m:        0           0
80m:         33          69             2.1              3  
40m:         495         1920           3.9              92
20m:         1267        3077           2.4              409
15m:         1357        3130           2.3              363
10m:         350         783            2.2              39

Totals:      3502        8979           2.6              906

TOTAL SCORE: 8,134,974

Club Affiliation:  Southern California Contest Club (SCCC)

Equipment Used:

Radios:  Kenwood TS950SDX, Kenwood TS950SD

Dunestar Bandpass filters, Top Ten Devices, Writelog for Windows

Amplifiers:  Alpha 87a, Alpha 89

80 Meters:  Force 12 EF180B at 84 Feet
40 Meters:  Force 12 Magnum 340 at 72 Feet
20 Meters:  Force 12 Magnum 620 at 72 feet, Force 12 C31XR at 40 feet
15 Meters:  Force 12 4BA at 90 Feet, Force 12 C31XR at 40 Feet
10 Meters:  Force 12 4BA at 90 Feet, Force 12 C31XR at 40 Feet

Comments: Well, based upon the suggestion from Arnie N6HC, we made the
decision a few days before the contest to jump from M/S to M/M as
everyone was motivated to get alot of operating time, and so we thought it
would be more fun for all.  Even though we would only have 2 transmitters
on the air, we decided to go for it. (not to open the Multi 2 debate, but 

As Murphy would have it, we experienced a small glitch 2 minutes before 
the start of the contest, that kept the 2nd station off the air for about 
40 minutes, until the problem was resolved.  

Propagation was generally good, especially on 15 and 20 meters, with nice
steady runs into Europe, during most of the time the bands were opened. 
Was counting on stronger performance into JA, on all bands, and especially
on 40, but the big JA runs never really materiallized, it was steady, but
not spectacular. 

I had recently put up a small second tower with a Force 12 C31XR, to give us 
more flexibility for band changes and paths, and that worked out well, as 
we were able to pick up stations off of the primary beam heading with the 
flick of a switch.

All in all, the station performed very well, and everyone had alot of fun.  
Arnie, N6HC, who suggested we go M/M had set a target of 3500 q's, and 
we were delighted to finish right there, and felt good about our overall 

Thanks to all of the operators that helped make our effort a success, 
with special thanks to Daniel, AD6DO for his marathon efforts of 
operating almost the entire weekend, with just a few hours of sleep!  

Herb - KG6OK

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