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[3830] Wo4o IARU SO MIXED LP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] Wo4o IARU SO MIXED LP
From: wo4o@juno.com (Ric Painter)
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 22:17:07 EDT
       This was my second attempt at SO2R; the first at my home
       station, using a simple set up for the second radio which
       netted 134 QSOs and prevented me from getting too bored.  
       Unlike Radio 1, Radio 2 had no PC control or keyer using 
       a fixed NE yagi for 10/15/20-m and a sloper for 160-m.
       This resulted in more frustration and fatigue, than fun.
       Therefore, I forfeited 11 hours of the game.  BTW, I
       noticed the temperature rising inside the house only to
       quickly discover that the compressor on my central air
       unit had died.  It felt like I was operating (slowly
       cooking) in a crock pot!  It could've been worse . . . 
       At least I stopped op'g before midnight and at QSO 665.
       (While I haven't been a socker fan, I did take a timeout
       to enjoy watching the USA win the Women's World Cup 
       against a FB Chinese team.)  Station improvements wanted:
       Second radio with CW/Voice keyer (and another PC?) with 
       radio control, band pass filters and/or stubs and the use 
       of any antennas for both radios -- for starters.  73, Ric
       PS  It would be good to have a Low Power designator in
             the published results.  Plus, add Club/Team Competition!

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160CW        6           6         10       2         2
   80CW       16          16         38       4         7
   40CW       75          75        191      11        10
   40SSB       1           1          1       1         0
   20CW      224         220        804       8        12
   20SSB      59          58        186      12         9
   15CW      189         187        707      10        15
   15SSB      86          85        281       5         5
   10CW        6           6         18       1         2
   10SSB       3           3         11       1         2

 Totals      665         657       2247      55        64

    Final Score = 267393 points.  Operated about 13 hours.

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