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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP - LA8W - MS(LA9HW & LA4DCA ops)
From: la4dca@oslo.online.no (Bjorn LA4DCA)
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:18:12 +0200
                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 10-Jul-99, 11-Jul-99

    Callsign Used : LA8W
        Operators : LA4DCA, LA9HW

         Category : MS

 Default Exchange : 59918

             Name : Bjorn Henning Bergheim
          Address : Kyrre Greppsgate 8
   City/State/Zip : N-0481 Oslo
          Country : Norway

        Team/Club : Lima Alfa Contest Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160CW        5           5         11       2         2
   80CW      126         126        360      11        11
   80SSB       8           8         14       2         0
   40CW      137         137        467      16        14
   40SSB       9           9         21       1         1
   20CW      606         597       2437       9        11
   20SSB     576         563       2247      12        32
   15CW      269         266       1242       3        13
   15SSB     442         434       1994       9        25
   10CW      103         102        298       6         6
   10SSB      35          35         99       3         1

 Totals     2316        2282       9190      74       116

    Final Score = 1746100 points.

Soap: First weekend with really nice weather this summer. 25 degrees C
in the shadow, and we stay indoors doing contest! We must be crazy.
Think I never gonna do that from Norway ever again. Summer is too short.
See you next year. Naw.... maybe... perhaps not.
If we have snow in July, YES!

Bjorn LA4DCA

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  • [3830] IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP - LA8W - MS(LA9HW & LA4DCA ops), Bjorn LA4DCA <=