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[3830] WAE CW CONTEST SOAB low power.

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] WAE CW CONTEST SOAB low power.
From: ve9dx@brunnet.net (Andy McLellan)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 21:45:42 -0300
+-1999  WAE CW CONTEST -+

CALL: VE9DX       Single OP., All Band  (Low Power)

   QSOs QTCs Multipliers 
80m:       14      0      20
40m:       57    58      69
20m:     321  371      78
15m:       96    51      54
10m:       11    20      20
Total:   499 + 500     * 241 = 240759
Station Description: TS-850
Antenna(s): 80,40 meter Dipoles, Tribander20,15 and 10
Logging with Writelog
Operators: VE9DX
Remarks: Great contest.  Like the QTC exchange.  Some excellent operators 
in Europe.
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter 
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules 
and regulations of the contest.

Signature:  Andy     Call:  VE9DX                        .

80m Summary
9A     DL     LA     OK     S5     

40m Summary
9A     DL     EA     EI     EU     F      G      HA     I      LA     
LY     LZ     OK     OM     ON     S5     SM     SP     UA     UA2    
UR     YO     YU     

20m Summary
4U1V   9A     DL     EA     EA6    EI     ER     ES     EU     F      
G      GM     GW     HA     HB     HB0    I      LA     LY     LZ     
OE     OH     OK     OM     ON     PA     S5     SM     SP     SV     
T9     TF     UA     UA2    UR     YL     YO     YU     Z3     

15m Summary
4U1V   9A     9H     DL     EA     F      G      GI     HA     I      
LA     LY     LZ     OK     OM     ON     S5     SM     SP     T9     
UA     UA2    UR     YL     YO     YU     Z3     

10m Summary
EI     G      HA     I      OE     ON     S5     UR     YO     YU     

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com

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