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[3830] CQWW CW ZC4AKR Multi-Single HP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] CQWW CW ZC4AKR Multi-Single HP
From: swi@bramham.demon.co.uk (Steve Wilson)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:40:19 +0000

      Call: ZC4AKR                   Country:  UK Bases on Cyprus
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160      174      487     2.80      9      60
       80      891     2506     2.81     18      76
       40     1165     3286     2.82     25     100
       20     1749     4968     2.84     34     110
       15     1383     4002     2.89     34     111
       10     1533     4526     2.95     29     100

     Totals   6895    19775     2.87    149     557  =>  13,961,150

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: G3VMW, G3ZEM, ZC4JP, ZC4CM, 5B4AFB & 5B4AGC

Equipment Description:

TS870 + Alpha 76 
TS940 + Icom IC2KL

160m - Dipole at 35ft
 80m - Dipole at 18ft
 40m - Cushcraft 402CD at 25ft
 20m - J-Beam TB3 at 27ft
 15m - J-Beam TB3 at 27ft
 10m - J-Beam TB3 at 27ft
 Gap Titan Vertical on Multiplier station

What a rush operating from ZC4 - the pile-ups were awesome - all
of the 48 hours. With decent antennas we could probably do some 
damage.  We were hampered by a height restriction of 35ft and no
proper Multiplier antennas.  We found the director and reflector
on the TB3 were reversed and the whole thing way off resonance.
We managed to fix that but the 40m 402CD had a 3:1 SWR, which we 
think was due to a faulty balun.  We hastily rigged a 160m 
antenna a few hours before the start of the contest, which did 
the business for us.

This was a very casual attempt and we really had a lot of fun at 
ZC4AKR - possibly the worst callsign anyone could think of for a 
CW contest.  

Please send QSLs for ZC4AKR via 5B4YX


Steve Wilson, G3VMW
Bramham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire
Email: swi@bramham.demon.co.uk
Web page: http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk

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