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[3830] ARRL SS Phone - W6UE Multi-Op/HP Results

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] ARRL SS Phone - W6UE Multi-Op/HP Results
From: W4EF@pacbell.net (Michael Tope)
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 04:09:10 -0800
                            SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 20-Nov-99, 21-Nov-99, 22-Nov-99

    Callsign Used : W6UE
        Operators : W4EF, N6VI, N7UE, 4Z9GHI, KA6SAR, KN6JU, VU2DXC

         Category : Multi-operator

 Default Exchange : NR M W6UE 23 LAX

             Name : Michael C. Tope, W4EF
 Station Location : Caltech ARC (CITARC), W6UE
                      Pasadena, Ca                                              
  Mailing Address : 3944 East Mountain View Avenue
   City/State/Zip : Pasadena, Ca 91107-4905

Station Description: 

         Rigs:  Station "X" Kenwood TS-950SDX, Alpha 78, 486-66, TRlog 645
                  Station "Y" Yaesu FT-1000MP, Alpha 78, P-133, TRlog 645

    Antennas:   10 Meters - 5 Element Monobander @ 90'
                    15 Meters - 5 Element Monobander @ 80'      
                    20 Meters - 5 Element Monobander @ 70'
                    10/15/20 Meters - Trapped Vertical @ 55'
                    40 Meters - 2 Element KLM Monobander @ 70' Fixed ENE
                                - Inverted-Vee at 70'                   
                    80 Meters - Inverted-Vee at 70'

          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Southern California Contest Club - SCCC

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80SSB     154         152        304       0 
   40SSB     197         192        384       5 
   20SSB     425         418        836       9 
   15SSB     368         363        724      18 
   10SSB     526         521       1042      47 

 Totals     1670        1646       3290      79 

    Final Score = 259910 points.

Off Times:
21/11/99 09:22 - 14:19  This break = 4:57  Total off time = 4:57
22/11/99 01:55 - 03:00  This break = 1:05  Total off time = 6:02

Total Operating Time = 23:58

Elapsed Time to Sweep = 8:06 (NNY last mult)


Stiff competition from our collegiate bretheren up north. Looks like we
will need to get serious. 

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations established
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee.

 Date __12-20-99___   Signed _Michael C. Tope___  Call __W4EF___

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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