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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] ARRL DX - SV/OK1YM SOAB LP
From: ok1ym@yahoo.com (Oldrich Linhart)
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 01:58:26 -0800 (PST)
                            ARRL DX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 19-Feb-00, 20-Feb-00

    Callsign Used : SV/OK1YM
         Operator : SV/OK1YM

         Category : SOAB low power

 Default Exchange : 599 100

               Postal addres

             Name : Oldrich Linhart
          Address : K.V.Raise 350
   City/State/Zip : Sendrazice 28002
          Country : Czech Republic
            e-mail: ok1ym@yahoo.com

        Team/Club : Czech contest club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   40CW      132         132        396      37 
   20CW      249         248        744      45 
   15CW      103         103        309      32 
   10CW       52          52        156      25 

 Totals      536         535       1605     139 

          Final Score = 223095 points

 Equipment: TS 850S, ANT 16 el. LOGPERIODIC
            SW - N6TR ver 6.39   

 REM: It was realy nice contest, much friendly than CQ
WW. Stations sent  their TU for new multiplier.
Unfortunatelly I could be on the air only abt 15 hrs
and never in the afternoon at local time. 
Thank you and see you later.  

PSE QSL via OK DX Foundation !!!!
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  • [3830] ARRL DX - SV/OK1YM SOAB LP, Oldrich Linhart <=