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[3830] VO1MP -WPX - 10 M - SB/SO/UNA/HP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] VO1MP -WPX - 10 M - SB/SO/UNA/HP
From: gussam@newcomm.net (Gus Samuelson)
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 12:32:55 -0330
                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 2000

      Call: VO1MP                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: SSB                      Category: SO/HP/UNA/10 METERS


       10          3186     8016          2.5         895

     Totals   3186     8016   2.5      895  =   7,174,320


All reports sent were 59, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: Kenwood 930-S  SB-220 @ abt 500 Watts
 CT- Logging Antennae:   HB 4-element monobander at 30 Feet
  and 2 el Delta Loop fixed North @ abt 130 above ground.

Soap Box:

Decision to go single band was forced on me by
recent wx conditions which had brought down all wire
antennas and beams except my low 10 meter yagi.
Work commitments and prevailing weather during the last few weeks
prevented me from making any antenna repairs and kept me from participating
in both ARRL Contests
Took Friday afternoon off and hastily home brewed a two element
delta loop on a 6 foot piece of 2 inch wooden  dowelling to hang from
my hill top tower  at 750 ft ASL, this proved to be a fortuitous
choice,  as this antenna was my mainstay all week and played really hot to
Europe and Asia  early in the morning. This business about  quad loop
antennas opening the bands earlier,  was really demonstrated to me first
The only reason I didn't work any body before 0900z was because I didn't get
 on earlier than that !!
Although the band seemed to be open to South East Asia over Northern Europe
early in the day and late in the afternoon   JAs an YBs seemed to be
from here,  even though most of the stations who called in from that
direction were 20 over !!
Mebbe the internet has taken over .
Operating near 28.300 on Sunday morning was really difficult due to the
 FM QRM from Pirates in South East Asia, their FM sigs completely riddled
  the band below 28.300 !! One VK6 who called me Sunday morning indicated
 that this is a chronic problem in that part of the world. This was all the
 more perplexing when I note that my log contains fewer stations from
 that area than the prevailing conditions should have allowed. ( I guess I
 a 1500 W amplifier) .
 In any event the combination of my Mickey mouse antenna lash up and
 the great conditions allowed me to better the existing Canadian 10 Meter
  record by about  3 Million points. Hopefully it sticks , unless there
   were other 10 meter entries.
  Enjoyed the activity and hope the CW  part is provided with equally
  good conditions.
  73 CU all next one.

                              Continent Statistics
  VO1MP   CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST    SO/10M     26 Mar 2000  2358z

               10M  QSOs  Percent

North America    1486    46.6
South America      74        2.3
Europe              1448     45.4
Asia                    137       4.3
Africa                    14       0.4
Oceania                 27       0.8


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  • [3830] VO1MP -WPX - 10 M - SB/SO/UNA/HP, Gus Samuelson <=