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[3830] KT3Y SOSB 20 HP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KT3Y SOSB 20 HP
From: Kt3y@aol.com (Kt3y@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 01:35:51 EDT

20: 1619  683    2.839M

Lost all electrical power to the house at 1132z on Sunday morning during the 
Asian opening. I 
was on the telephone within minutes. The problem was fixed at 1302Z. 
Fortunately, I had worked more Asians than expected on Saturday morning.

The overall breakdown follows:

NA   373  23%
SA    25   1%
EU   975  60%
AF     3 .01%
AS   220  13%
OC    22   1%


7L wire beam (50 ft. boom) to NE at 80 ft.
5L wire beam (46 ft. boom) to NW at 70 ft.
Stacked dipoles E/W, N/S at 80/40 ft.

73 Phil KT3Y

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