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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K5NZ NAQP RTTY SOAB
From: K5NZ@aol.com (K5NZ@aol.com)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 11:59:12 EDT
Call used: K5NZ

Location:  TX

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX

80        43    43    22     0

40        89    89    36     0

20       123   122    38     1

15        51    51    26     0

10         9     9     4     1


Total    315   314   126     2


Claimed Score: 40192

Had fun but seemed liked I missed quite a few because of poor copy with my 
TNC/Filters?  New at this, can someone that is using a FT1000MP give me some 
pointers on best "TNC" and rig filtering to use.  I'm sure I missed some of 
the weaker signals due to lack of experience.

I was using the 500hz cw filters in PKT mode and a Kam+ TNC.

Just like SSB/CW.. Thanks to all those willing to QSY.  Talked KB5BOB on 
trying 20m late from 80.  he thought there was a 10 minute rule for SO.  We 
did 80-20-15, he said "hey this is cool!"

K3MM must have some great antennas, he was louder than anyone on every band!

Great contest because I could watch the outdoor MX National on ESPN2, read my 
new NCJ, and contest at same time.  Fun!  

73 nz

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  • [3830] K5NZ NAQP RTTY SOAB, K5NZ@aol.com <=