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[3830] ARRLDX CW - A new operating practice

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] ARRLDX CW - A new operating practice
From: Steve, IK4WMH" <topdxer@tin.it (Steve, IK4WMH)
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 09:10:39 +0000
Hi everyone,

a few days before ARRL CW Contest I checked my logbook searching for
unreplied qsl cards during the years.

I focused on those qsl cards sent via the bureau for contest qso's in
the years up to 1997, I believe a 4 years period is long enough to get
a qsl card via the bureau.

The result was a list of about 60 u.s. callsigns and a couple of

Then I created a new multiplier called QSL, and filled the ARRL 2001
CW contest log file with these callsigns on all bands, as if I already
worked all these guys and they all sent me this strange multiplier.

During the contest I was mainly doing S&P, and when I found a station
which was already in the log and marked with the QSL multiplier I
turned the knob.

A few of these are well known big multi-multi stations, so giving the
fact that some of them probably have 600+ mults worked, that I worked
on 3 bands, and that each qso is 3 points worth, those stations lost
5,000 up to 6,000 points.

I am not going to write callsigns, they know who they are.

Contesting is funny, exchanging qsl cards is also funny.

During the last weekend I had a lot of fun.

Whoever called it necking was a poor judge of anatomy.

          Steve, IK4WMH

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