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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] NAQP - WA9ALS - NOTNUFRTTY Team
From: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 22:26:35 -0500
Mine was a 10-hr effort from Indiana.  I took a break of about 75 minutes
around dinner time when a line of thunderstorms came through
(http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/thunderstorm.gif).  Rates were sure better then
than at midnight local.  I couldn't get anywhere on 10M - I could get parts
of Don's callsign, but never solid and just couldn't hear much there.  I
spent most of my time early with the run radio on 20M and the S&P radio on
15, switching to mostly 40 and 80 in the evening.  Too bad I haven't learned
to use 2R "effectively", but it's still fun to operate that way!  Thanks for
the Q's, and lets not get all divided AGAIN, this time over where to post
scores.  RTTY and ham radio in general has enough threats without continuing
to do ourselves in.


Band     QSO   MULT
 80       53    28
 40       63    37
 20      146    36
 15       25    14
 10        1     1
 TOTAL   288   116

288   QSOs  x  116  MULT =   33,408 pts

Software:  Writelog/Rttyrite/Soundblaster Live
FT-1000MP MARK-V;  IC-706mkIIG
C31XR at 72ft;  265 ft Carolina Windom;  R-7

Here's the early returns for the NOTNUFRTTY team:
 K4GMH:          390q          139m          54,210 pts
WA0SXV:          322q          142m          45,724 pts
 AA9RR:          310q          142m          44,020 pts
 N8YYS:          281q          125m          35,687 pts
WA9ALS:          288q          116m          33,408 pts

                                    Total:  213,371 pts

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