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[3830] ARRL 160 VE3FU Single Op HP

To: 3830@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] ARRL 160 VE3FU Single Op HP
From: webform@b41h.net
Reply-to: ve3fu@rac.ca
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 19:27:29 -0800
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: VE3FU
Operator(s): VE3FU
Station: VE3FU

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5

Total:  QSOs = 650  Sections = 74  Countries = 13  Total Score = 117,276

Club: Contest Club Ontario


Radio: TS-590
Amp: TL-922 (Tnx VE3AAQ!)
TX Ant: Inverted-L
RX Ant: 2x reversible Beverages NE/SW (300ft)and NW/SE (200ft)

74 sections, 13 DXCC

~7.5 hrs the first night,  6 hours the second night. Too many other commitments
to put in a full time effort. Stopped at ~0800Z the first night.  Stopped at
0530Z the second night, then got on again from 1100Z to 1245Z.

Worked everything I heard, with the exceptions noted below. 

Sections not heard: PR, LAX, SB, WY, PAC, AK, NT
Sections heard, but not worked: NL (heard VO1MP in a pileup), SV (called a
station many times, but just couldn't get through.  Many other stations were
calling as well, but very few were getting through.  Maybe he had a lot of
local noise?)

DX worked: PJ2, G, GM, CE, C6, OK, OM, F, VP5, CO, LA, ZF, E7
DX heard, but not worked: EA3 (again, many stations calling but he kept CQing,
with an occasional "?"), CX6.

The "E" in ONE kept getting lost for some of the DX.   I think I must have been
the first "ONE" they worked, as I kept getting "ONS?" or "ONN?รข??  Either that
or I need a bigger amp / antenna :=)  Now I know how the "NE" guys feel :=)

Thanks for all the QSOs!



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