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[AMPS] Screen regulators circuits

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Screen regulators circuits
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 19:31:19 -0800
> At 11:38 PM 11/18/98 +0200, John Fielding wrote: 
>This discussion seems to be going around in circles and not really getting 
I find it hard to believe that a 0.8v drop in screen potential is going 
to make a significant difference in IMD.  The 6146B screen regulation in 
a TS-830S is about 10v drop under load, and it has the lowest IMD of 
anything I have measured.  
>Yes, but unlike the way it was last year (for those here then,) it is a 
>lot more peaceful and less outright hateful.
True enough, Steve, however, Jerry Springer has been lately beating Oprah 
Winfrey in the TV ratings wars.  //  The Rich vs. Tom and his toadies 
debate was undoubtedly a donnybrook.  The denouement seemingly came when 
one of our amplifier "experts" tried to retroactively promote an ex Eimac 
Engineer-B pal to "R+D engineering manager" -- and got caught red-handed. 
 .   Ironically, the grate debate could have been avoided had QST Editor 
Mark Wilson taken my recommendation to have the ARRL lab measure the VHF 
characteristics of a resistance-wire VHF parasitic suppressor vs. a 
copper-wire  VHF suppressor.   Eventually, Wes, N7WS performed this 
service for the amateur community.  Congrats, Wes.  
-  later

Rich. Measures.,, 805.386.3734

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