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[AMPS] SB220 problems

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] SB220 problems
From: (
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 09:58:25 -0500

On Sat, 26 Dec 1998 09:39:32 -0800 Rich Measures <>
>>On Sat, 26 Dec 1998 19:50:02 +0800 Alek Petkovic <>
>>>Hi All,
>>>          A friend of mine in Virginia is having the following 
>>>with his SB220. Can anybody help?
>>>My SB220 contains a small transformer with two windings. One winding
>>>supplies the filament voltage for the 3-500zs and the other supplies
>>>bias and relay voltage at 120volts. One side of the relay coil is
>>>connected to this little half wave supply. The other side of the 
>>>coil goes a jack on the back of the linear. When this jack is 
>>>it closes the relay and the linear goes into the transmit. From the
>>>banded end of the diode rectifier, a 20ufd, 160 volt electrolytic
>>>capacitor is connected from this point to ground. Without this
>>>capacitor  the relay will not close. It just chatters from the 
>>>pulsating dc voltage. Just what you'd expect.
>>>I have gone through at least 10 capacitors, and each one explodes 
>>>after>a short time. 
>>Starting with the obvious, you have checked or replaced the diode?
>>>Six of them were supposedly new stock. 
>>Brand and date code??  That is a 1/2 wave supply and the ripple may 
>>too much for some bargain brand caps.
>?  The original capacitor was a cheapo and it worked ok, Carl. 

Worked OK until it leaked or shorted, that cap was always on the edge,
particularly the early ones in the brown/tan case. 

>>Have you actually MEASURED the voltage? 
>>Are R4 and R5  OK and in the ckt? If not the voltage will rise quite 
>>bit and can exceed the cap rating. 
>?  The secondary winding is 80Vrms.  How can the peak-V exceed 160V?

Easy since you are incorrect about the AC rms voltage and the peak DC in
a half wave ckt with no resistive load.

73  Carl  KM1H


>-  later

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