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[Amps] RE: 4CX800A Grounded Grid

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] RE: 4CX800A Grounded Grid
From: (Rich)
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:43:30 -0700
>Hello Bill:
>The circuit will work only for tetrodes that have screens and control grids
>that can dissipate a large amount of power (many watts).  Thus, the 4-400
>and 4-1000 will work fine in grounded grid.  
>None of the ceramic tubes will do this (Maybe a 4CX10000 will).  

**  it will. A pair of 3-500Zs will drive one to c. 18 out with a 9kV 
anode supply.


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734,  

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