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[Amps] RF Power transistors

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] RF Power transistors
From: (
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 15:21:23 EST
Does anyone know of a source of high-rent RF power transistors at bargain 
I have several projects to try but the stiff prices for these solid-state 
807's is still a little hard to handle. For example, the MRF141G is widely 
quoted in the $150 price range. The old reliable 2sc2879 can be had pretty 
economically from a number of places, but the 12Volt limitation (as well as 
its not red-hot gain) is not desirable for many applications. M/ACom's second 
sourcing of the MRF products has brought the prices down somewhat, but it is 
still a $100+ proposition for the equivalent of a pair of 6146's.

Eric von Valtier K8LV

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