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Re: [Amps] Rice Box Exciter to Collins 30S-1 & 30L-1

To: "Roger Agnew" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Rice Box Exciter to Collins 30S-1 & 30L-1
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 07:12:34 -0700
List-post: <>
 To obtain quality AM from a modern radio and a linear amplifier, first tune the amplifier up at 100% of max pep. I prefer to do this with a CW keyer sending 50wpm dits or with a tuning pulser. Next, switch to AM mode and adjust the carrier control for 25% of max pep. Speak into the mic and adjust the mic gain to the point that 100% of max pep is obtained. Mo' mic gain is not mo' betta. Also, there should be virtually no change in the linear amp's anode current during modulation.
-- Additional comments -- To reduce Rx noise, I listen to AM with the SSB product detector, back off the RF gain, and select the sideband with the least interference. By doing this, it allows one to operate comfortably in an AM-VOX situation. cheers, Roger

On Jul 6, 2004, at 3:13 PM, Roger Agnew wrote:

I would like to get on an AM Net tomorrow with my Icom 756 Pro driving my Collins 30S-1 or 30L-1. Does anyone know or could guide me to a source of information to properly drive these amps with the Icom 756 Pro.

Roger Agnew K1KQ - Austin, TX 888-536-5500

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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.

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