On Friday 08 April 2005 11:46, Richard Measures wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2005, at 2:22 AM, Steve Thompson wrote:
> > On Friday 08 April 2005 08:37, Ian White G3SEK wrote:
> >> Steve Thompson wrote:
> >>> R.Measures wrote:
> >>>> The boiling point of anything in a vacuum is lower, but I do not
> >>>> know
> >>>> how much lower it is for gold. In any case, it would still be above
> >>>> the melting point of 1063ÂșC.
> >>>
> >>> Can gold leave the grid structure if it's molten but not boiling?
> >>
> >> Basically, yes - just like water (molten ice) will eventually
> >> evaporate
> >> completely away at room temperature.
> >
> > And flow? And get pulled from the surface by anode potential?
> Probably, but a moderate number of gold melt-balls lodge onto the
> cathode.
Could they get there after the anode voltage is removed?
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