I'm looking to "complete" the collection of data sheets at:
currently there are about 350 power tube data sheets in PDF format. Does
anyone have any of the following 70 or so Eimac data sheets they can
scan and send me the scans? (Any format will do - 300 dpi grayscale if
possible - colour if necessary). If so, please use an your browser to
upload at the following page (no need for SSH or ftp).
and check they are there at:
I particularly want these 3 hard to find data sheets where people have a
direct need for them now.
* Eimac Y799 / Y-799
* Eimac Y808 / Y-808
* EEV CV6131 (for Clive Collins GW3WEQ)
But also those below. I have Svetlana version of some of them, so I'm
not interested in them. Only Eimac or another make if you have them.
Air cooled triodes
3CX400A7 (I have an old copy, but it is very old), 3CPX800A7 , 3CX1000A3
, 3CX200D3, 3CX3000F7 , 3CX4000F3 , 3CX4500F3 , 3CX5000A3 , 3CX5000F1 ,
3CX5000U7 , 3CX10000A1 , 3CX10000A3 , 3CX10000B7 , 3CX10000D3 ,
3CX10000U7 , 3CX15000A3 , 3CX15000H3 , 3CX35000D3
Water cooled triodes
3CW200D3 , 3CW2500D7 , 3CW5000A1 , 3CW5000A3 , 3CW5000F1 , 3CW5000F3 ,
3CW7000F7 , 3CW7000H3 , 3CW10000H3 , 3CW20000A3 , 3CW20000A7 ,
3CW20000H3 , 3CW30000H3 , 3CW30000H7
Vapor cooled triodes
Air cooled tetrodes
Y799 (urgent), Y808 (urgent) , 4CPX250K, 4CX250M , 4CX600JB , 4CX1500A ,
4CX1500BC , 4CX7500A , 4CX15000R , 4CX20000B , 4CX20000C , 4CX20000D ,
4CX20000E , 4CX25000A , 4CX35000C , 4CX40000GM and Y-863
Water cooled tetrodes
4CW300B , 4CW10000A , 4CW10000B , 4CW25000A , 4CW25000B , 4CW25000E ,
Vapor cooled tetrodes
4CV50000E and 4CV50000J
Air cooled pentodes
5CX1500A and 5CX1500B
Dr. David Kirkby
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