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[Amps] AL-1200 3CX1200Z7 Tube

Subject: [Amps] AL-1200 3CX1200Z7 Tube
From: Dennis W0JX <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:08:23 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
The AL-1200 is now supplied with the 3CX1200Z7. The change was made in early 
May and Ameritron had the amp with new tube on display at Dayton this year. 
There are several circuit changes, mainly a different filament transformer, 
different chimney, no socket, and the neutralization circuit has been removed 
because it is no longer necessary.

There is an interesting sidelight to this change. The catalog at Dayton 
advertised the AL-1200 with a 3CX1200D7. The engineers told me that they 
ordered a bunch of these tubes from Eimac but could not make them work properly 
in the AL-1200 chassis. Fifty D7's were sent back to Eimac and the switch was 
made to the 3CX1200Z7.

This should serve as a warning to AL-1200 users with the A7 tube. That version 
is going to become "unobtainium."

73, Dennis W0JX

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