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[Amps] Building amps

To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] Building amps
From: Charles Harpole <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 09:02:04 +0000
List-post: <">>
>From most of the replies, it appears that building some thing has fallen way 
>down the list of fun ham things to do.  I did like the idea of a window to 
>watch the 3-500z glow cherry red, the only way to run them, and the "modern" 
>guys who are now slaves to the "latest and questionably greatest" SS and so 
>on. Here is something to think about.............. Ham radio is basically 
>obsolete, with the rare exceptions of satellites and one or two cutting edge 
>single man efforts.  Given this, I think we should begin to think of ham radio 
>the way collectors and users of Model T and other "legacy" cars or those who 
>fly model airplanes.  These are honorable pursuits and very fun, but do not 
>depend on fooling themselves that they are "cutting edge."  In fact, not being 
>cutting edge is part of the fun.  So, I recommend we return to our roots of 
>being self builders and experimenters like the good old days. BTW, the day the 
>American govt. tells me I can not build, in my own home with my own hands, 
 a ham radio amplifier, I am moving out. 73,

Charles Harpole                                         
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