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Re: [Amps] ALS-600 vs ALS-1300

Subject: Re: [Amps] ALS-600 vs ALS-1300
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:17:32 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 4/10/2014 12:30 PM, Vic Rosenthal K2VCO wrote:

Too bad the Tokyo Hy Power amps are no longer made. They were good looking, well made, good performing amps
> First, I agree with W6WRT. For DXing, especially on 80/160m, you should
> have a legal limit amplifier. If you want to operate RTTY or AM, you
> also want one that can do it for a long period of time without burning up.
DXing, contesting, or satisfaction, that extra 3db sometimes makes a a 
big difference!
> Having said that, what about quality and reliability? One place to look
> is at the reviews posted by users at Don't laugh -- I know
> that many of the reviewers are less than competent. But when there are

There are a lot of over rated amps (by the manufacturers) on there, that are not capable of running that much power without self destructing. Legal limit amps that are only good for that on low duty cycle that receive glowing reports.

But look for problems, or patterns and if they are prevalent in a particular amp.
An occasional "Terrible service, or bad attitude" may not mean a lot. 
Most of us have known people who couldn't give a complement with out 
upsetting the recipient. People answering telephones often do not 
respond well to this personality.<:-)) A polite approach will often get 
outstanding service.

Roger (K8RI)

/enough/ reviews, you can get a picture of the overall degree of
satisfaction with a product. So here are some of the average ratings for
in-production amplifiers with a reasonable number of reviews, both solid
state (the first 7) and vacuum tube:

Amplifier    Reviews        Average rating
ALS-600        146        4.2
ALS-1300    55        3.8
Elecraft KPA500    65        4.9
SGC SG-500    36        4.3
SPE 1K-FA    77        4.9
SPE 2K-FA    24        4.8
Yaesu VL-1000    70        4.3

Alpha 9500    108        4.9
Acom 1000    147        4.9
Acom 1010    46        4.9
Amer. AL1500    67        4.8
Amer. AL80B    119        4.6
Amer AL811H    159        4.5

I think it is significant the NO other amplifier with more than a few
reviews has an average as low as 3.8 (the Dentron 160-10 has 16 reviews
and a rating of 3.6). I would think twice about buying an ALS-1300!

If I wanted a lower-powered amplifier I would look at the Elecraft or
SPE-1KFA. The SPE-2KFA is an excellent choice for a higher power
amplifier, although it is more than twice the price of the ALS-1300!

If the guy needs high power but is constrained by available funds, then
maybe he should look at a tube amplifier like the AL-1500, which is a
few bucks cheaper than the ALS-1300.

On 4/10/2014 6:57 AM, John K0CQW wrote:
Looking for info on these SS amps. ALS-600 vs ALS-1300. A ham ask me what
one to buy ? I have no experience on SS amps.

I did tell him not much difference in S units between the 600 vs 1200 w .

Any thoughts ?

Thanks de John KØCQW

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