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[Amps] Hallicrafters HT-41

Subject: [Amps] Hallicrafters HT-41
From: James Branch <>
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 04:33:57 -0700
List-post: <">>
I'm going through an HT-41 billed as "plug and play" which arrived with a solid 
state conversion replacing the two 866AX rectifier tubes. The conversion 
consists of a plexiglas rectangle with multiple solid state rectifiers in 
series, brass pins to plug into the tube sockets and small lengths of copper 
pipe to engage the plate leads. Overall, it 's a nice job and importantly (to 
me) completely reversible.

I'm concerned that this solid state rectifier setup will have a lower forward 
voltage drop than the 866AXs and present too high a voltage to my pricey 7094s. 
I have a high voltage probe for my DMM on order to check this, but thought I'd 
poll the group on how to proceed. Any advice on this rig will be appreciated.


Jim Branch

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