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Re: [Amps] HV rectifier diodes

Subject: Re: [Amps] HV rectifier diodes
From: Boye Christensen <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:22:18 +0100
List-post: <>

I did replace in my SB220 think it was in before 2000

1 Amp diodes 1N4007 with 3 Amp diodes 1N5408 1/2 $ a pice

They are still working !

73 Boye OZ7C

On 26/01/2019 20:38, Art wrote:
Hi All,

When I joined the list, it was to get the skinny on solid state amps,
little did I realize that my tube type amp would die and I'd be
consulting the list for HV diode suggestions and vendors.


I have a bottom end amp, 400 watts out, an AL84. The plate voltage
dropped from just under 1kV (unloaded) to 600v and obviously the power
output is way down. I assume I need new rectifiers.

The manual says it uses 1kV @ 3 amp diodes, 8 of them total, in a full
wave bridge rectifier configuration. The part number is AR-145, which
isn't available, it's likely an Ameritron house number. The voltage
rating of each diode seems marginal to me though (to me).

I looked in Digikey and Mouser, they don't don't carry them.

There are no equalizing caps or resistors, so I'd prefer to put in a
single 4kV diode rather than deal with 2 diodes in each leg of the
bridge. Barring that, I'd like to replace all 8 diodes with 2kV @ 2 amp

Are there any reputable vendors that sell these lower voltage diodes at
a reasonable price, I would prefer NOT to use the online auction site::>

Would appreciate any comments or suggestions.



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