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[Amps] VHF1200 6m cabinet hardware?

To: "'Amps group'" <>
Subject: [Amps] VHF1200 6m cabinet hardware?
From: "GD0TEP" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 20:46:34 -0000
List-post: <>
Hello to the group,

I have a Command technologies VHF1200 6m amp.

The amp itself is fine, but it's and I'm not the first owner, and I know it
has seen some 'issues' over the years. Thus the covers have been off & on a
few times. As such the screws are worn and I'd like to replace them. I'm
talking about the little allan screws.  They might be made of brass (or
chocolate) as the allan holes are worn out, so they are next to useless.

Does anyone know what thread size these might be please?


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