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[Amps] Fwd: AL1200 weak receive

Subject: [Amps] Fwd: AL1200 weak receive
From: Boye Christensen via Amps <>
Reply-to: Boye Christensen <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 18:47:20 +0200
List-post: <>

This i known problem dirt og the the relay RX side !

It is silver not gold plated and need to be cleaned or a new relay

You can chech i by use the amt whwn shift to RX and signal desapear, just gop to  stby and send a single dot
if its ok then the lay of durt has been been burned away.

73 Boye

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [Amps] AL1200 weak receive
Date:   Fri, 29 Jul 2022 12:30:57 -0400
From:   Ed Swiderski, KU4BP <>

I have a confusing problem with my AL1200. During operation when the stdby/oper is on, the received signal is very weak. Switching back to standby and the signal level is fine. Checked the relay and it was operating correctly. Engaging with 12v applied to it. With no power to the amp and a rx signal going through, manually engaging the relay weakens the signal. Releasing it and it's back to normal. Cleaned the contacts using the method described by W8JI on his site. Still no go. Stumped on where to look next to track this down. A tests on another radio produced the same results.
With no power to the amp, I connected my RigExpert analyzer to the "RF 
in" and a dummy load to "RF out". Doing a sweep, the SWR reads around 
1:1. Engaging the relay by hand shoots the SWR very high. Goes back down 
when released.
That's the best symptoms I can give. Any suggestions would be an immense 
Thank you,
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