I'm looking for a list of all the contest for 1994. Is there someplace here on
Internet that I can get it? I have the list of the ARRL contests, but would
like to know when the other events are. Thanks... Kevin N1EPU
>From tree@cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) Fri Oct 15 17:19:46 1993
From: tree@cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Subject: CW Sprint High Claimed Scores
Message-ID: <9310151619.AA21618@cmicro.com>
Here are the top 15 claimed scores for the September CW Sprint:
------------- ----------- ------------
KR0Y 16848 KR0Y 351 KR0Y 48
N2IC 14276 N2IC 332 N6ZZ 46
N5RZ 14168 N5RZ 322 K1KI 45
K1KI 14040 N6TR 316 N4RJ 45
WN4KKN 13950 K1KI 312 WN4KKN 45
N6TR 13904 K5ZD 311 K6NA 45
N4RJ 13680 WN4KKN 310 N6TV 45
K6NA 13185 W1WEF 305 N5RZ 44
N6TV 13140 N4RJ 304 W5FO 44
K6LL 13112 KZ2S 301 N6ND 44
K5ZD 13062 K5MR 299 W6YA 44
KZ2S 12943 K6LL 298 WA6AUE 44
K5MR 12857 K1TO 295 N6TR 44
N6ND 12804 K6NA 293 K6LL 44
W1WEF 12505 N6TV 292 W7YAQ 44
If you have a computer log and haven't sent in your diskette yet, please
do so soon. With a good response, I think I can get every log entered.
If you did use a computer and are not going to send in your log, you will
be cursed with 38 multipliers in the next sprint.
Tree N6TR
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly@hposl42.cup.hp.com> Fri Oct 15 18:52:13 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly@hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Subject: JARTS Scoring question
Message-ID: <9310151752.AA17885@hposl42.cup.hp.com>
In scoring JARTS RTTY contest is W-to-W 0 points or 2 points? The writeup
in CQ says your own contient is 2 points, but you may work your own call
district for multipliers.