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AA6TT in WW Phone

Subject: AA6TT in WW Phone
From: wmhein@aol.com (wmhein@aol.com)
Date: Thu Dec 9 09:19:10 1993
AA6TT is and has been in Colorado Zone 4 since July 1991.

In the CQ WW SSB contest, we were saying "five nine four".  This was
programmed into all of the voice keyers.

The latest CT CQWW.CTY now has a zone exception programmed in for AA6TT.

Hope this clears up the confusion.

Bill AA6TT

>From hatcher_d <hatcher_d@bt-web.bt.co.uk>  Thu Dec  9 17:18:03 1993
From: hatcher_d <hatcher_d@bt-web.bt.co.uk> (hatcher_d)
Subject: Ken Wolff mail ID?

Hi all,

I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to mail Ken Wolff, K1EA. I have:


which is what I got from him when he mailed me, however, it bounces. 
I've tried various combinations today without luck. 

Anyone got the right account name?

Darren - G7BKO

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