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Fwd: QRL ad nausium

Subject: Fwd: QRL ad nausium
From: N3ADL@aol.com (N3ADL@aol.com)
Date: Mon Jul 24 16:31:46 1995
Sent this to the wrong reflecter..Sri

Forwarded message:
From:   N3ADL@aol.com
Sender: owner-dx@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Reply-to:       N3ADL@aol.com
To:     dx@ve7tcp.ampr.org

The flames on the SSTVers and Net slackers were much more fun to read!!! If
the band is chock full of signals you simply find a place where you believe
you can start a run and dive in and after a few minutes you'll discover if
you were correct or not. There is no place for decorum and gentlemanly
conduct in a contest if you want to break into the top ten box. It is all out
WAR! Listen to the big guns as they change bands..They find a freq and MAYBE
give one brief "IS the frequency in use??" and if no response is heard in say
15 nanoseconds the DVK button is pushed in rapid succesion. My 1st CQWW I was
a guest op at a medium size  M/M station and was placed on the 20m band where
signals were 30 over on both sides and was told to work through the QRM. I
didn't believe it but did as I was told and sure enuff after about 10 minutes
europe came through the din and I got the rate up over 150 in short order.
The lesson was contesting is WAR and requires a great deal of hard WORK.
Guys may argue with that "take no prisoner philosophy" but actions speak
louder than words.  Stay off my frquency Fred! hi hi

 Now lets get back to bashing the Net ops and SSTVers...
                                            73 de Doug//N3ADL//FRC
Forwarded via the Internet DX Mailing List.

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>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Jul 24 21:29:41 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: Fwd: QRL ad nausium
Message-ID: <199507242029.NAA01465@mailhost.primenet.com>

Q: Know how many SSTV'ers it takes to have an SSB QSO?

A: Can't be done, no pictures.

>The flames on the SSTVers and Net slackers were much more fun to read!!! If
>the band is chock full of signals you simply find a place where you believe

> Now lets get back to bashing the Net ops and SSTVers...
>                                            73 de Doug//N3ADL//FRC

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>  Mon Jul 24 23:18:00 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Subject: Sorry-Multiples
Message-ID: <806624280.894458.GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>

> According to the highly trained technical staff at Primenet Technical
> Support, their Mail Server got "SPAMMED."  This term is not in my Funk 
> and Wagnall, but I assume it means [...]

Why assume when you can *know*?  

>From _The New Hacker's Dictionary_, edited by Eric S. Raymond, 1991,
ISBN 0-262-68069-6, published by The MIT Press:

"spam -- vt. To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size buffer with
excessively large input data."

This definition is not strictly applicable to email, but I will give
two examples of spamming:

1) You receive a message, and you notice that it is cross-posted to
every mailing list and net.news group on the Internet, that says "Send
$5 to the five people named on this message, cross the name off the
top and add your name to the bottom, and pass this message to 10 of
your friends.  This is not a pyramid scheme because you are actually
selling a 'mailing list' to these people and you will be immune from

This is called "spamming the net."

2) Someone sends a really annoying message such as in example #1, so
you and everyone else who receives the message decides to send it back
to its originator, in 1000-plicate.

This is "directed spam" as per Primenet's tech support.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From K. Caruso x226-6935 <caruso@netcad.enet.dec.com>  Mon Jul 24 23:41:13 1995
From: K. Caruso x226-6935 <caruso@netcad.enet.dec.com> (K. Caruso x226-6935 
Subject: BARS 1995 Field Day Results, 5A EMA
Message-ID: <9507242240.AA01193@us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

 Better now than November, here is the Billerica Amateur Radio Society Field
 Day Class 5A score:

      Call: WO1N/N1FER                Section: EMA
      Mode: Most Any                 Category: 5A

      160       29     116             0       0
       80      205     820           358     716
      80N        0       0             0       0
       40      855    3420           898    1796
      40N        0       0             0       0
       20      374    1496           941    1882
       15      138     552           743    1486
      15N        0       0             0       0
       10        0       0           487     974
      10N        0       0           261     522
        6        2       8            78     156
        2        2       8           162     324
      222        0       0             0       0
      432        0       0            10      20
      1.2        0       0             1       2
      SAT        2       8             0       0
      PKT       62     248             0       0
    SubTotal  1669    6676          3939     7878

       14554 Total QSO Points (includes 2X Power multiplier)
     +  1600 Bonus Points       (includes ARRL Members)
          16154 Total Points / 5608 Total QSOs    

Club Affiliation:  Billerica Amateur Radio Society

 We are pretty pleased with the results, this was pulled off with a pretty
small crew this year. A mere 20 ops out of some 32 total bodies over the course
of the weekend. 

 Propagation was great, especially on 10 and 15. The rain and T-Storms held off
until the end. Teardown was a regular steambath. Food was great (OK, I was on
the food committee), but since we were expecting at least 50 people we had 
boat-loads of leftovers. Worked out good, though, as we (the "hard-cores") had
them for lunch on Sunday, then dinner on Sunday night! 

 Anybody hear how the Palomar ARC did?


>From Jack Fleming <oolon@eskimo.com>  Tue Jul 25 00:19:41 1995
From: Jack Fleming <oolon@eskimo.com> (Jack Fleming)
Subject: New RUFZ program now available via ftp
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950724161351.13491B-100000@eskimo.com>

On Tue, 18 Jul 1995, Takao KUMAGAI wrote:

> Hi all
> I finally received the most recent "RUFZ" progrm from the 
> author Mathias DL4MM(ex DL3DZZ, Y33UL).
> Former version did not care the CPU speed/processing ability,
> so if you run it on Pentium 90Mhz RUFZ generates 100wpm code!
> This new version (2.12e 07/02 '95) set the code speed by PARIS 
> system and start with the code speed 100characters/min on any 
> computer.
> I archived and packed 6files into RUFZ.ZIP(61KB) then uuencoded
> to RUFZ-ZIP.UUE(85KB).
> You can get it now by the following process;
> Send an email to 
> info-contest@dumpty.nal.go.jp
> with the message 
> #get rufz-zip.uue
> This file is totally free program, you can distribute it in 
> any ways (ftp, http or fdd to you friends).
> If you put it at any ftp/http site, please follow up that 
> informations.
> I love it and sure you'll love it too.
>       ---------
>       Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
>       TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
>       Internet: je1cka@nal.go.jp

Thanks to Tack the program is also now available in my ftp directory 
(along with a couple copies of the Western Washington DX Club's famous 
newsletter - the Totem Tabloid in Wordperfect 5.1 format).  To get RUFZ -
ftp (or better yet, try ncftp) to ftp.eskimo.com and then look in the 
u/o/oolon directory.  It is named rufz.zip and has received the much sought 
after Totem Tabloid Seal of Approval.  Great program.

We're open 24 hours a day.

Jack Fleming, WA0RJY ex-CN2JF ex-CT1/WA0RJY   oolon@eskimo.com
Seattle, WA   http://www.eskimo.com/~oolon/   DON'T PANIC! 

>From Doug Grant <0006008716@mcimail.com>  Tue Jul 25 02:25:00 1995
From: Doug Grant <0006008716@mcimail.com> (Doug Grant)
Subject: SprINT
Message-ID: <61950725012516/0006008716NA5EM@MCIMAIL.COM>

I noticed the reminder Saturday on packet about the SprINT, and decided I 
needed a contest "fix". 2 hours seemed about right.

Took a couple of 5-10 minute off-times for parenting duties.

140 Qs. 

With me and W9WI both on at the beginning, got my (or was it his?) name back a
lot. It disappeared after a bit, then later I found it on 40 and brought it
back to 20.

Post contest on 3830, K5ZD paid me a high compliment. Seems when I worked him
on 20, I was *very* weak and he missed my number. Since it was my freq to take,
about 5 guys pounced on me when I signed my call. This obliterated any hint of
an "r" from Randy. So I had everyone hang on while I asked "ZD? OK?", and got
his request for a fill. We made it, then I went on. Both Randy and I noticed
at least one guy who didn't seem interested in confirming receipt before 
the freq. Oh, well.

And today I found out one Q I'll lose. I was on the phone with a guy who told me
he only made about 20 Qs, including me. He admitted he didn't copy my name, and
since he wasn't serious, he didn't bother asking for a fill.

Perhaps he won't send in his log, and I'll be OK.

I won't say who he is, but he's losing his intensity as he pushes closer to his
40th birthday this coming weekend...

ANyway, great fun, and greater fun to know when I uploaded the log at 0310Z, it
was really over.

Logged in Notepad - sorry if I was a bit slow responding to some of you, but 
having to type in every 'sent" QSO number is a bummer.


>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Tue Jul 25 02:23:41 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: LPT pin Assignment Question
Message-ID: <199507250123.SAA17120@mailhost.primenet.com>

>>Pin 1 ...... CW Strobe
>>Pin 17...... CW Select
>>Pin 18...... GND
>>I take it Pin 1 and Pin 18 do the actual keying and Pin 17 says this is the
>>LPT port that is selected for CW. If that is the case, isn't Pin 17
>>redundant? Nothing is on Pins 1 and 18 for LPT2 if LPT1 has been designated
>>for CW. Or is it more akin to Radio 1/2 select?
>See p 18 of ver 9 manual:
>Pin  1 to EMITTER of NPN (to radio)
>Pin 17 to BASE through 1K resistor
>Pin 18 to COLLECTOR (to radio)
>That help?  I have built several in DB-25 shells, all work well.  
>73 de Brian

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Tue Jul 25 02:07:50 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: LPT1 Band Port Only!
Message-ID: <199507250107.SAA13100@mailhost.primenet.com>

BAND DATA "A" (LPT1) and RADIO 1/2 SELECT (LPT2) both use the same pin.
Some sort of change would be required.  See below.

73 de Brian

>Lots of people are working on K1EA to add band info to LPT2. I'm betting it
>will happen.

LPT1 Pin Assignments

Pin 2......BAND DATA "A"
Pin 7......BAND DATA "B"
Pin 8......BAND DATA "C"
Pin 9......BAND DATA "D"

Pin 1......CW STROBE
Pin 17.....CW SLCT
Pin 18.....GND

Pin 3......DVK SWITCH #1
Pin 4......DVK SWITCH #2
Pin 5......DVK SWITCH #3
Pin 6......DVK SWITCH #4

Pin 11/25..GND

LPT2 Pin Assignments

Pin 2......RADIO 1/2 SELECT

Pin 1......CW STROBE
Pin 17.....CW SLCT
Pin 18.....GND

Pin 3......DVK SWITCH #1
Pin 4......DVK SWITCH #2
Pin 5......DVK SWITCH #3
Pin 6......DVK SWITCH #4

Pin 11/25..GND

LPT3 Pin Assignments

Pin 1......CW STROBE
Pin 17.....CW SLCT
Pin 18.....GND

Pin 3......DVK SWITCH #1
Pin 4......DVK SWITCH #2
Pin 5......DVK SWITCH #3
Pin 6......DVK SWITCH #4

Pin 11/25..GND

Use the -AC option to get BAND DATA on LPT1 (only) for
use with Top Ten Decoder etc.

Radio 1/2 Select is always on LPT2.

CW Port and DVK Control are subject to software setup to
enable the outputs.


>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Tue Jul 25 01:49:44 1995
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: RUFZ score
Message-ID: <LDPR9c1w165w@w2up.wells.com>

Wonder if anyone (else) has been playing with RUFZ? Tough to distinguish 
the dits with the PC spkt. Gotta wire the headphones in. Best score so 
far is 29639 with speed of 367.


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Tue Jul 25 02:36:24 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: LPT Assignment Question (WOOPS)!
Message-ID: <199507250136.SAA20130@mailhost.primenet.com>

SORRY!  I typed it wrong!  Below is the proper connections for a CW port.
A picture (in the manual) is worth many (of my) words.

Sorry, de Brian

>>I take it Pin 1 and Pin 18 do the actual keying and Pin 17 says this is the
>>LPT port that is selected for CW. If that is the case, isn't Pin 17
>>redundant? Nothing is on Pins 1 and 18 for LPT2 if LPT1 has been designated
>>for CW. Or is it more akin to Radio 1/2 select?
>See p 18 of ver 9 manual:
>Pin  1 to EMITTER of NPN
>Pin 17 to BASE through 1K resistor
>Pin 18 to GROUND    (to radio)
>          COLLECTOR (to radio)

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