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Kenwood/TS-870 on the World Wide Web

Subject: Kenwood/TS-870 on the World Wide Web
From: reisert@eng.pko.dec.com (reisert@eng.pko.dec.com)
Date: Mon Sep 18 12:51:08 1995
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73 - Jim AD1C

>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke@freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Mon Sep 18 17:42:46 1995
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke@freenet.columbus.oh.us> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Subject: W8FN phone sprint score
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509181246.A7366-b100000@acme>

   band          qsos

    75           52
    40           70
    20           91
                213  x  41   = 8733

  comments :  condx sucked like they usually do from OHIO. My hats off
              to KW8N..... I don't know how he does it with the 
              propagation disadvantage we have here in the black hole.
              speaking of the black hole.... I think that it must of 
              shifted east from W9 land because you guys have been kicking 
              *** lately in the sprints. 

              BTW ... I lost about a 1/2 hour because of computer problems 
              with NA. 
                    I had randy's computer which was on the main station (#1)
             linked with my laptop (station #2). When I would log a contact
             on station #2 's computer it would crash the program on station
             #1. version 9.22 was on station 1 and an older version 9.12 was
             on the laptop. We copied the new version to the laptop and 
             still had the same problem. Anyone else had this problem with 
             NA ???  Anyhow , when I got home and started doing my logs I 
             noticed that all the contacts in the .prn file from the main 
             station had a date of 9/13/95 and the ones from the laptop 
             9/17/95. I suspect that the two computers having a different 
             date caused all my problems ??????   CU all next time...

                                                    Jeff  KU8E 

 *      Jeffrey D. Clarke   jdclarke@freenet.columbus.oh.us       *

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  • Kenwood/TS-870 on the World Wide Web, reisert@eng.pko.dec.com <=