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Contest Welfare

Subject: Contest Welfare
From: Mike.Tope@Sciatl.COM (Mike.Tope@Sciatl.COM)
Date: Thu Sep 28 19:12:00 1995
     >or just plain cheat.  It would just redistribute the certificates 
     >sort of like welfare redistributes the wealth . . . :-)|
     >Stan  W7NI@teleport.com
     The real reward in a contest is not a piece of paper that says that 
     you are a winner, but rather, it is the experience of competition 
     itself, and the self knowledge that you reached your highest level of 
     performance. No fellow contester or commitee member can take that away 
     from you. Its like the guy who runs 5 KW and uses packet; he may get 
     the certificate to put on his wall, and brag to his friends, but deep 
     down inside he knows the truth about his unscrupulous ways. 
     After all, what is the value of a piece of wood or paper? Its really 
     only valueable in terms of what it represents. Scores really speak for 
     themselves anyway. And besides, its fairly easy to look through the 
     results of a contest and find the guys in your part of the country to 
     gauge your performance. Winning is an inward experience!
     Mike, AD4VH (After Dinner 4 Valiums Help)
     Ex KD8NS (KD8 "NO #$%")

>From Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham@HK.Super.NET  Fri Sep 29 00:14:55 1995
From: Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham@HK.Super.NET (Mr. Brett Graham)
Subject: VS6BG CQ WW RTTY score
Message-ID: <199509282314.HAA16550@is1.hk.super.net>

Category: single-op all-band hi-power un-assisted
      BAND      Qs     Ss     Zs      Cs
       80        4      0      4       4
       40       26      2      6       7
       20      266     34     26      45
       15      137      2     20      40
       10        1      0      1       1
     Total:    434     38     57      97
Score: 1133 Qpts X (38 Ss + 57 Zs + 97 Cs) = _217,536_
Rig: TS-950S
     2 x 3-500Z
     80/40: 1/4-wave GP @ 9m
     20/15/10: 2-el quad @ 14m
Comment: Propagation on 15 wasn't bad, but where was everybody?  Seemed
         like ZS6NW was the only one on most of the time!
73, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham@hk.super.net

>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465@mcimail.com>  Fri Sep 29 00:39:00 1995
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465@mcimail.com> (Eugene Walsh)
Message-ID: <41950928233914/0004504465PK5EM@MCIMAIL.COM>

          RTTY SCORE K3EST 
              NJ Zone 5
Was more serious last year; no time for it this year.
  Q      S/P      DXCC    ZONES
 113     21        39      14
     We unwrapped the RTTY box for the second time ever
late Sunday Morning.  After floundering around for a time
it got hooked up correctly, and we were off.
     Operations were interrupted by dinner (Mrs Able's chicken
parm & pasta), a few 6 packs of Ramrod, and serious discussions 
of real important stuff.
     We talked at length about how no east coast op has any 
idea how bad it is from out west.  We were sick about it! 

>From sm3bdz@pobox.com (Lars Harlin)  Fri Sep 29 00:58:21 1995
From: sm3bdz@pobox.com (Lars Harlin) (Lars Harlin)
Subject: DX-operation.2....
Message-ID: <199509282358.AAA27849@www.itz.se>

Thanks for all the comments! Many of you says that we really cant do much=20
about the problem with LIDS. Those guys I mean are not LIDS (to me meaning:=
jammers, brainless people, deliberatly QRM`ers etc.)they are DX=B4ers!! But=
with bad behavior.

I agree that this media is far from enough to spread the word, but I=B4d=
to propose a more positive attitude that we CAN do something about it!

I think, that if we want to "reach out" we have to start in our own=
Talk to your fellow ham, bring the matter up on the local radioclub, bring=
it to your country-organisation (SSA, ARRL, etc.) AND talk directly to those=
"bad operators". I=B4m sure we all have someone in our own country or=
who raises our bloodpressure! Pick on them! Guess it=B4s no meaning beeing=
sensitive, those guys are NOT!=20

I think this is a very important matter for the future of our fantastic=

73=B4s  de Lars (sm3bdz@pobox.com)=20

>From floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Fri Sep 29 01:46:51 1995
From: floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Subject: UPDATE IV
Message-ID: <199509290046.UAA24193@larry.infi.net>


Compiled by

OPERATOR CLASS               SCORE    QSO's   PTS   QTH    DX   ZONES      

   K1NG                   1,347,367   1381   2711   181   224    92
   S56A                   1,254,800   1228   3137      322       78
   VY2SS                  1,047,510   1257     ?    123   159    57   
   N4CC                     710,940    957   1734   169   157    84
   WE9V                     703,131   1066   1937   159   139    65
   K2PS                     621,750    805   1658   142   164    69
   NA4M                     430,810    757   1286   147   122    66
   WA3WJD                   314,534    541    986   133   125    61
   W3GG                     302,872    472   1048    94   133    62 
   W7LZP                    256,563    682    983   147    67    47
   VS6BG                    217,536    434   1133    38    57    97 
   NA2M (HP or LP)          148,560    376    619   106    86    48
   JH7QXJ                   143,500    313    875    37    81    46
   WA6SDM                   140,499    426    603   124    61    48

   4X6ZK                    804,528    938   2718    41   194    61 
   AK5KD                    639,846   1112   1734   180   122    67  
   4X0A                     487,012    758   2234    40   131    47
   KA4RRU                   437,987    754   1373   125   134    60
   KA1SIE                   399,434    754   1442   119   112    46   
   WA4ZXA                   285,948    512   1014   110   115    57
   WB2HMF                   127,160    313    578    96    80    44
   KF2OG                     95,634    317    506    92    61    36
   N7UJJ                     93,696    370    488   110    42    40
   WA5JWU                    45,474    167    286    73    50    36   
   N2VYU                      1,548     30     43    18     9     9  

   NO2T                     498,624    729   1484   121   149    66
   V31JU (UN or ASST)       421,852    734   1604   133    86    44
   JR5JAQ                   355,266    517   1462    46   132    65
   N2OL                     307,840    634     ?       296 
   N2FF                     293,601    525   1023   114   114    59
   OH2LU                    158,388    338    788    29   125    47

10 Meters

15 Meters
   N4SR                      21,084    117    251     21   41    22 

20 Meters
   N1OAZ                    114,600    426    955     41   63    16
   VE7OR                     92,575    349    805     45   45    25  
   VE6WQ                     83,625    299    669     44   55    26 
   JR2BNF/1                  31,920    121    336     21   48    26
   K3EST                        ?      113     ?      21   39    14

40 Meters
   K1IU                     185,277    674   1227     54   71    26
   ZS6EZ                     87,000    275     ?      39   50    20 
   W2UP                      83,760    380    698     49   50    21
   WF5E                      53,954    352    509     50   35    21
   KN6DV                     46,552    363    506     51   22    19

80 Meters

   OT5T                   1,983,016   1551   4166    248  142    86
   VP5C                   1,845,152   1767   4232    185  182    69
   WU3V                   1,388,862   1337     ?       ?    ?     ?
   DF7RX                  1,325,280   1164   3012    232  122    86 
   K2TW                     868,436   1089           136  188    74
   WA4QVD                   738,045   1153     ?       ?    ?     ? 
   N9ITX/7                  545,490   1066   1653    158  109    63
   VK9LZ                    517,000    784   2219     79   91    63
   N9ENA                    199,045     ?      ?       ?    ?     ?        

   AA5AU                    630,400    929   1600    166  151    77 
   K8UNP                    562,872    803   1497    147  158    71
   KF4KL                    432,928    625   1304    132  138    62
   T99MT                    287,523    553   1389     65  107    35    

   W3LPL                  2,154,387   2045   3953    214  237    94 

I am sorry about the typo with K1NG call. It was nothing but a typo 
and I apologize for it. 

When you see a number between the QTH and the DX column it means that
the station added those two together and sent it to me. If they send
me a split of them I will update it.

Don't forget that info beside your call like this (UN or ASST) means
that you never sent which you were. If I do not know then I put you
in the higher one. Let me know if I have anyone in the wrong class.

73's Jim // WA4ZXA @N4ZC <> floydjr@nr.infi.net

ps: Remember if you send me your breakdown I cannot repost them on
the reflector. If you wish for everyone to see the breakdown you will 
need to send them to the reflector yourself.

>From w7ni@teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Fri Sep 29 02:37:37 1995
From: w7ni@teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Subject: RUFZ  at Telegraphy World Championships
Message-ID: <199509290137.SAA12092@desiree.teleport.com>

> The rules state that for the other receiving tests,
>  "Letter and mixed text reception messages are sent at 
>progressively increased speeds starting at '100 marks/minute'  for letters and 
>and '150 marks/minute' for figures, with competitors withdrawing as the speed
>becomes to high for them.

Language makes a huge difference in your ability to accurately remember long
sequences of letters since you remember them as words (but only if you are
very familiar with the words.)  Since all really high speed (40 wpm and and
faster) code copiers copy some distance behind you must remember letter
sequences for at least a few seconds.  Those of us who operate at high
speeds and do not attempt to write or type solid copy would find out that
operating at 50 wpm and actually writing or typing all of it at that speed
is much tougher than just writing down an occasional word like a name, QTH,
or contest exchange.

>Messages may be recorded by hand (using any 
>symbols desired) or by typewriter.  Messages copied on contestants's
>own paper must be recopied on official forms after a test."

What keeps a contestant from filling in some missing letters during the
"recopying" phase?  If the text is in your native language, it would not be
too tough to see what some missing letters ought to be and fill them in.

>Also,  it is not clear if the text messages are in any particular language
>or will just be random groups of characters,  but all letters.

Which way it is will make a huge difference . . .

>Will be interesting to see how many compete,  and how they do.

Of course I won't be there so it won't affect me.  It is important that the
sponsors of this event realize how important language is so that they can
take itn into consideration.  It would be a real shame to hold this event
and then have dozens of angry protests when it is over.

Stan  W7NI@teleport.com

>From w7ni@teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Fri Sep 29 02:37:43 1995
From: w7ni@teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Subject: Rohn Torque Bars
Message-ID: <199509290137.SAA12133@desiree.teleport.com>

Mike KO7V wrote:

>I am not an engineer, but it seems to me that the effects of torque arms 
>could be figured out mathematically.    It seems like they would limit 
>the twisting of the tower by giving a longer lever arm.  

I am sure you are right, Mike, and I am not an engineer either.  My gut
feelings about what happens with torque arms is similar to yours.  As you
try to rotate a tower where a set of torque arms are attached, the tower
tries to take the guy wires around the tower too.  This tightens the guys
and that is what resists the tower attempting to rotate.  The main effect of
tightening the guys is to put more downward force on the tower.  So I like
to think of torque arms as converting tower twisting to tighter guy wires.
Is this good or bad?  This where my gut feelings fail me and I need an
engineer with a calculator and some real skill in analyzing structures.

One thing is plain: for the torque arms to do anything at all, the tower
actually has to twist some.  This is not the case with the Torque Arm
Stabilizing triangle since that provides guys wires that are attached and
working at some distance from the center of the tower rotation.  In that
case, a lot of the twisting is converted to guy wire tension with guys
pulling against each other rather than trying to force the tower into the
ground.  This is just another gut feel observation that I would not want to
bet my life on.

Stan  W7NI@teleport.com

>From kf3p@cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart)  Fri Sep 29 03:19:19 1995
From: kf3p@cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Subject: Contest activity and scoring
Message-ID: <199509290219.WAA21029@cais.cais.com>

>>> >>> barry <barry@w2up.wells.com> 09/27/95 02:08pm >>>
>>> Ai7b@teleport.com writes:
>>> >     Right on, Bill.....not much different here in the Northwest either.
>>> >     I don't think the average East coast op has a clue what its like out
>>> >     West.
>>> W2UP replies:
>>> >    Come on... Enough already on the geographical advantages of the
>>> >    northeast. If contest scores are THAT important to you, move to the
>>> >    northeast.
>>> Duh, is this meant to be a realistic suggestion?  I think not.  The root of
>>> the situation is contest scoring, not where we live.
>Really want to level the field?  I doubt it, but this will do it.  Give the
>winners a scoring handicap.  I'm not a golfer, but don't golfers play with
>handicaps based on the scoring history?  That way a mediocre golfer can play
>with a good one and have a chance of winning, right?  If you are in the top
>ten, you get a 0.9 multiplier next year.  If you are still in the top ten,
>you get 0.8 the following year.  Pretty soon someone else will win, and
>then, they of course will get the 0.9 muliplier.  If you privately want to
>know who is really the top scorer, just divide his final score by his
>handicap and magically you have his real score.  This system would not care
>where you live, how much power you run, if you are married or single, if you
>have too many "uniques", if you have stacked 80 meter beams, are on packet,
>or just plain cheat.  It would just redistribute the certificates sort of
>like welfare redistributes the wealth . . . :-)
>Stan  W7NI@teleport.com

How do you figure that?  All I have to do is not show up one year and then
blow away the competition with a great score and max handicap points...
all from the RIGHT coast!   

73, Tyler

>From James Brooks" <9v1yc@equator.lugs.po.my  Fri Sep 29 03:09:58 1995
From: James Brooks" <9v1yc@equator.lugs.po.my (James Brooks)
Subject: AP Sprint
Message-ID: <306b4769.equator@equator.lugs.po.my>


Don't forget the Asia-Pacific Sprint, this Saturday 30 Sept, 1230z-1430z,
20m & 40m CW only, exchange RST + serial#.   1 point per QSO,
mults are prefixes (WPX rules).  At least 1 (or both) sides of a QSO must 
be within defined Asia-Pacific region (180 degrees  - Asian Pacific Rim)
to count for points.  Standard Sprint QSY rule also applies.   

T-shirts to overall winner, each continent and each DXCC country.

Good luck.

James 9V1YC


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