Has anyone tried the following:
Put a multiband vertical, say MFJ 1792, on a pole about 18 feet off the ground.
Connect the radials at GROUND LEVEL and lay them out symetrically.
Is there a difference in performance compared with a setup where the radials
are connected just below the feedpoint ???
73 de Aurelio PA3EZL/AA2WH
* Aurelio M.M. Bellussi, PA3EZL/AA2WH *
* E-mail: a.m.m.bellussi@stud.tue.nl *
* OR pa3ezl@esrac.ele.tue.nl *
* AX25-mail: pa3ezl@on5vl.#lg.bel.eu *
* Graduate student at Eindhoven University of Technology *
* department of Electrical Engineering. *