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What REALLY makes you good? de WN4KKN

Subject: What REALLY makes you good? de WN4KKN
From: kf3p@cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
>I really hate "Ya, me too messages.", but if you are trying to come up in 
>the contesting ranks....  Save Trey's message.  Read it often. I can add 
>nothing to it to help an up and coming contester.
>               "There are no secrets!" 
>"It turns out, as with most things is life, that skill and hard work
>pay the most reliable dividends in the long run."
>-Trey Garlough, Feb 1996

Yeah, me too!  

Winning contests also requires a winning 'tude, Dude!

You will never win anything without it.  NEVER give up!

73, Tyler kf3p@cais.com

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