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Subject: A.R.I. ON WEB
From: matt@galactica.it (matt@galactica.it)
Date: Fri Mar 22 19:36:38 1996
It's now official, from 15.03.96, the Italian Amateur Radio
Society (A.R.I.) it's on Internet.
The idea to use this support to communicate between amateur
radio operators isn't new, Mario I2MQP started to think on 
it time ago.
Therefor, speaking with Luca IK2AEQ,the idea come out and 
we conctated Mario. 
After some meeting we start and.........the web page it's now
on internet.
We are aware that, right now, for many of us, these information
could be needless, expecially if you are located outside of
italian land but, please remind that our aims are different.
In this first stage the web page is only an "institutional"
pge in which the information should be general one.
The next step will be to introduce information in English also
for the DX and CONTEST community.
Bulletins, contest rules, dx-expeditions, up to date information
will be a reality in a while.
This message would like to be the first issue of an open letter
to all the amateur radio operators full of ideas, interested to
partecipate for the best use of this service.

The A.R.I. web page address is:


          A. R. I.    WELCOME   YOU   TO

                   A.R.I ON WEB

  Very  73     de    Matt   IK2SGC

e-mail: Matt@galactica.it
pcl:    IK2SGC@IK2EKY-6
phone: 39 - 338 - 6216216


P.O. BOX 99

20101 Milan ITALY

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