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FCC Exposure rule

Subject: FCC Exposure rule
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Tue Aug 6 23:55:26 1996

>2. Remember a little while back when the FCC seemed to say that its
>personnel were no longer going to do the field work? ie: no more FCC
>involvement in RFI/TVI dispute resolution and that sort of thing. 
>Well, it would seem to me that this field strength measurement is guaranteed
>work for whoever the FCC had in mind to assume the duties they've abdicated.
>Maybe we'll have to get permission to transmit from Radio Shack. Or the
>local cop.
>73, Dave K2LME                           FN31ui                 k2lme@pcnet.com
>Dave Collins    45 Bill Hill Road    Lyme CT 06371 USA    860.434.8176

This whole thing has been rolling around in my mind for a couple days. I 
get the idea the FCC is going to find out it opened a big can of worms!

How is all this to be enforced? Will we be required to have a measurement 
taken by some licensed establishment? How often? And what will it mean? 
If someone passes the test with his barefoot rig today, what's going to 
keep him from dragging the amp out of the kitchen cabinet where he hid it 
and hooking it up again? How will the FCC know? "Drive-by testing"?

And where is all the funding going to come from to handle all the 
paperwork this could create for the FCC, which is understaffed right now 

Perhaps the law was passed to appease some group, but will be largely 

Questions, questions ...

Zack W9SZ

"You can't be optimistic with a misty optic" - Rex Luscus

>From needhame@3lefties.com (Earl Needham)  Wed Aug  7 06:26:33 1996
From: needhame@3lefties.com (Earl Needham) (Earl Needham)
Subject: More info: RF Safety..
Message-ID: <BMSMTP8393955334needhame@server.3lefties.com>

>  From: AA6KX@postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Bruce Sawyer), on 8/7/96 1:23 AM:
>  As somebody else already commented, "Thank you, N6NB, for protecting us from
>  ourselves."

        And I bet his QSL rate drops to absolutely zero!  8-)

Earl Needham, KD5XB, in Clovis, NM  (DM84)
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Chi '76
Have you really jumped ROUND PARACHUTES? (Overheard at the Clovis Parachute

>From hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver)  Wed Aug  7 05:50:57 1996
From: hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Subject: RF Exposure
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960806213844.19310E-100000@gonzo.wolfenet.com>

>From jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Wed Aug  7 05:52:13 1996
From: jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Subject: WRTC Awards
Message-ID: <>

In today's mail came a very FB letter opener.  Personalized with my
call letters and the number of WRTC stations worked,  band/mode.

Along with it was a note from Rusty,  W6OAT,  saying that my plaque,
for the best score in  Oceania,  would come along  separately.

Let's look forward to such another great contest!!  The Nor.  Cal Contest
Club did great.

73,  Jim,  AH6NB

>From bhorn@netcom.com (Bruce Horn)  Wed Aug  7 07:01:48 1996
From: bhorn@netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Subject: Measured RF Exposures
Message-ID: <v02140b00ae2d6a0e1099@[]>

One of the documents available for download from the FCC Web server at


is a report titled, "Measurements of Environmental Electromagnetic Fields
at Amateur Radio Stations." Although it appears this report was published
in 1996, it describes the results of measurements of RF exposure in the
vicinity of nine ham radio stations in Southern California in 1990. The
measurements were conducted by the EPA using appropriate test

I derived the following table from information in the report by calculating
the power at the antenna that would result in a RF exposure equal to the
maximum permissible exposure (MPE). It is important to remember that this
value is for a "key-down" continuously-on CW signal. Since we are allowed
to average the exposure over a 30-minute period for uncontrolled exposures
to the general population, the power during a QSO could be considerably
greater than that given in this table and still result in an average field
strength less than the MPE. In order to examine a "worse case situation" I
picked the largest measured value that was outside of a structure. Often
this was a point directly under the antenna. (It appears that one of the
main concerns was what RF exposures were to the operator and inhabitants of
the house, since many of the measurements were taken in the ham shack and
adjacent rooms.)

                          Antenna     Meas      Power Resulting in MPE
Frequency  Antenna        Height     Height     E-field     M-field     Note
 1.8  MHz  Dipole           18m      on deck     3270W      no data
 1.95 MHz  Modified T       3-21m      1m         929W      1834W
 1.94 MHz  80m Inverted-V   14m        1m        7866W      1085W

 3.8  MHz  Gnd-mnted Vert    0m        1m       13344W      2427W       (1)
 3.8  MHz  Inverted-Vee     14m        1m        8929W     11693W
 3.7  MHz  80m Inverted-V   14m        1m         403W      1973W       (2)

 7.14 MHz  Dipole            4m        1m         297W       321W
 7.14 MHz  Dipole            4m        2m          68W       144W
 7.0  MHz  Dipole            9m      on deck      841W      no data     (3)
 7.23 MHZ  Inverted-Vee     14m        1m        6674W      3475W
 7.23 MHz  Inverted-Vee     14m        2m        4790W      no data
 7.1  MHz  Inverted-Vee     14m        1m        2976W       907W
 7.1  MHz  Inverted-Vee     14m        2m        1568W      1102W

14.11 MHz  Trapped Vert      6m        1m         940W       784W
14.15 MHz  5-el Tribander   18m      2nd Floor   4282W      no data
14.15 MHz  3-el Tribander    8m        1m        3012W      no data
14.15 MHz  3-el Tribander    8m        1m        1354W       967W
14.15 MHz  3-el Tribander    8m        2m         677W      1407W

21.2  MHz  5-el Yagi        12m        1m        2557W      2066W

28.5  MHz  3-el Tribander    8m        1m        1050W      2207W
28.5  MHz  3-el Tribander   14.6m      1m        1758W      2488W
28.5  MHz  3-el Tribander   21.6m      1m        1942W      2620W

(1) Measured 3m from vertical
(2) Significantly higher E-field measured near cooling vent
(3) Measured 3.5m from antenna

Based on these calculations from measured RF exposure levels and the
probable amount of actual transmitting time during a 30-minute period, it
appears that maximum legal power could be compliantly used with any of the
antennas, except the 4-meter high 40-meter dipole. Even this antenna might
be compliant at full legal power depending on its position relative to a
property line.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn@netcom.com)

>From rrossi@btv.ibm.com (Ronald D Rossi)  Wed Aug  7 14:48:36 1996
From: rrossi@btv.ibm.com (Ronald D Rossi) (Ronald D Rossi)
Subject: NAQP Rules in QST...
Message-ID: <9608071348.AA16027@btv.ibm.com>

Did anyone else notice that QST had the NAQP exchange listed as signal 
report and QTH rather than name and QTH?

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <><

>From G.DAUGHT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (George Daughters)  Wed Aug  7 16:12:31 
From: G.DAUGHT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (George Daughters) (George Daughters)
Subject: contester's antennas and proteolytic enzymes


it isn't the MSG in the meat tenderizer that's
the "active" ingredient against wasp venom.  the
important component is *papain*, a proteolytic
enzyme.  besides denaturing wasp venom, it also
tenderizes meat.

73, ab6yl


>From nt5c@easy.com (John Warren)  Wed Aug  7 16:45:03 1996
From: nt5c@easy.com (John Warren) (John Warren)
Subject: RF Exposure Rules - N6NB's Comments
Message-ID: <1372707793-99879121@BANJO.EASY.COM>

Wayne Overbeck N6NB wrote:

    >With the LM-470 fully extended, the readings on the FCC's
    >high-priced instrumentation were miniscule!

And therein lies the problem Wayne. We don't all have access to HIGH-PRICED
instrumentation to demonstrate our compliance when our neighbors (and their
HIGH-PRICED attorneys) discover your new rules, and use them to batter us
over the head. It's the "IRS" problem - They can just CLAIM we're guilty,
then we have to PROVE we're innocent!

I hope you're well satisfied with the genie you have let out of the bottle.
Too bad you couldn't swallow your pride, and let ARRL deal with the FCC.

John, NT5C.

>From rdidonna@tacarlson.com (Rich DiDonna)  Wed Aug  7 16:46:45 1996
From: rdidonna@tacarlson.com (Rich DiDonna) (Rich DiDonna)
Subject: FW: WAE 95 results???
Message-ID: <01BB8456.8E68B020@Uche.tacarlson.com>

Does anybody know of a site where I can get breakdowns of scores
from the 1995 WAE tests??

Rich KI6ZH

>From fisher@hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher)  Wed Aug  7 15:20:21 1996
From: fisher@hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher) (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Subject: Wasps
Message-ID: <9608071420.AA02160@hp-and2.an.hp.com>

>much. I must have gotten stung at least 6 times. She spit on the area
>and spread on the tenderizer. UNBELIEVABLE! In 15 minutes, I was back to

... maybe it was the spit, not the tenderizer!!

-Tony, K1KP, fisher@hp-and2.an.hp.com

>From Tom@utd.com (Tom Lindtveit)  Wed Aug  7 11:25:46 1996
From: Tom@utd.com (Tom Lindtveit) (Tom Lindtveit)
Subject: Wasps
Message-ID: <01BB8441.B7E37B20@ulster-port38.mhv.net>

>Something I learned many years ago as a farmer who came in contact with
>wasps fairly regularly was that the pain and swelling can be taken out =
of a
>wasp sting quite effectively by swabbing the stung spot with a rag or a =
>of cotton wool soaked in rubbing alcohol. I have no particular allergy =
>insect stings, but without this treatment, I do get lots of pain and =
>swelling. If I get an alcohol soaked swab on the sting reasonably =
>very minor swelling and pain results.

Hi Bill and Everyone,
 Thanks for pointing out a remedy, it minded me that I have one that may =
be of use to you and the other unfortunates. Next time you get stung, =
wet the area and sprinkle liberally with "Adolfs Meat Tenderizer". Yeah =
I know it sounds nuts, but  few years ago I stuck my hand in a black =
wasps nest that I couldn't see. I got nailed bad! Though I'd be out of =
comission for a day or so. My cousin from Texas ran to her camper and =
came out with the meat tenderizer. I laughed, I knew it coudln't help =
much. I must have gotten stung at least 6 times. She spit on the area =
and spread on the tenderizer. UNBELIEVABLE! In 15 minutes, I was back to =
work. I had no after affects at all. Apparently theres something in MSG =
that breaks down the protien in the bee's "poison". I swear by that =
stuff now.=20
 The usual disclaimers apply "I have no association with Adolphs meat =
terderizer, etc....."

Hope this helps someone.
73 de Tom, N2GQS

>From snace@tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace)  Wed Aug  7 18:32:09 1996
From: snace@tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace) (Steven Nace)
Subject: NAQP Rules in QST...
Message-ID: <v02120d01ae2e82535d8c@[]>

rrossi@btv.ibm.com wrote:

>Did anyone else notice that QST had the NAQP exchange listed as signal
>report and QTH rather than name and QTH?
>73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <><

Guess that explains the '599 qth' contacts. There werent many but a few.
Good to see newcomers are reading QST to get contest rules and then getting
on to operate. Too bad the rules are wrong!!!

de Hose  KN5H

                              ( O O )
 _______________________________( )___oOO____________________________
| Steven K. Nace     KN5H           Phone: 505-525-6205              |
| AlliedSignal Technical Svcs       E-Mail: Snace@tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov |
| Spacecraft Engineering Group      Alt E-mail:steven@zianet.com     |
| NASA White Sands Complex          Fax:     505-525-6229            |
| Las Cruces, NM 88004              Alt Fax: 505-527-7223            |
                              |__| |__|
                               ||   ||
                               ||   ||
                              (__) (__)

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Wed Aug  7 17:06:38 1996
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: Wasps
Message-ID: <RHqasD1w165w@w2up.wells.com>

Tom Lindtveit <Tom@utd.com> writes:

> Hi Bill and Everyone,
>  Thanks for pointing out a remedy, it minded me that I have one that may =
> be of use to you and the other unfortunates. Next time you get stung, =
> wet the area and sprinkle liberally with "Adolfs Meat Tenderizer". Yeah =
> I know it sounds nuts, but  few years ago I stuck my hand in a black =
> wasps nest that I couldn't see. I got nailed bad! Though I'd be out of =
> comission for a day or so. My cousin from Texas ran to her camper and =
> came out with the meat tenderizer. I laughed, I knew it coudln't help =
> much. I must have gotten stung at least 6 times. She spit on the area =
> and spread on the tenderizer. UNBELIEVABLE! In 15 minutes, I was back to =
> work. I had no after affects at all. Apparently theres something in MSG =
> that breaks down the protien in the bee's "poison". I swear by that =
> stuff now.=20
>  The usual disclaimers apply "I have no association with Adolphs meat =
> terderizer, etc....."

>From a medical point of view, this is how it works:
Adolph's contains an enzyme called papain (comes from either the 
pineapple or papaya). It breaks down proteins, including bee venom.

Another helpful thing is the goop in an Aloe Vera plant. Just break the 
leaf open and apply to sting or burn. 73/ Dr. Barry


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)  Wed Aug  7 17:44:54 1996
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman) (Michael Dinkelman)
Subject: RF Overexposed
Message-ID: <199608071649.JAA08563@mail.eskimo.com>

There once was an ol' Timer named Fred,
running QRO from morning to bed.

His exposure was high (he lit up the sky),
Now everyone just knows him as Red.

(feel free to add your own stanza)


Michael Dinkelman
Kent, WA

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