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NAQP M/2's

Subject: NAQP M/2's
From: perring@infocom.net (perring@infocom.net)
Date: Wed Aug 21 17:01:25 1996
At W5NN this past weekend,
I used the name Sluggo.
KB5YVT used Slugo.
K5GA used both names.
N6TR software treated both names equally.

We didn't have any trouble, except about two hours before ending time
when I forgot who I was.
Never did remember.
Finally asked KB5YVT, and from there on it I became a Slugo.
With all that, it worked great.
Looks to me like in a NAQP M/2 you can use different names with no sweat
as long as there is someone there to remind you who you are.


       ( # # )                                               
Bob & Mary Beth Perring
Houston, Texas
e-mail      perring@infocom.net
Web site    http://www.infocom.net/~perring/bucky.html

>From jfunk@adams.net (jim funk)  Wed Aug 21 22:02:19 1996
From: jfunk@adams.net (jim funk) (jim funk)
Subject: TopBand: More and more new contest
Message-ID: <9608212102.AA06181@golden.adams.net>

N6DX wrote:

>>Change one thing at a time.  Changing the method of earning points to 
distance based is what I thought we wanted to test.
>> Eliminating multipliers is a much more drastic change and will swamp out the
>>points effect.  Even Tree says it would be more fun with multipliers.

Here, too.  Fields as mults makes it more fun.
                                        73, Jim N9JF
"The cow is of the bovine ilk.  One end is moo; the other, milk.--Ogden Nash

>From km9p@contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P)  Wed Aug 21 22:44:09 1996
From: km9p@contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P) (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Subject: Grid Square Unknown
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.960821174247.20219B-100000@paris.akorn.net>

The exchage will be   RST - GRID SQUARE

If the person doesn't give you a grid square, you log the RST.  You get 1
point for the QSO regardless of where he is in this instance.

There will be no multipliers.



>From hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver)  Wed Aug 21 23:01:11 1996
From: hwardsil@wolfenet.com (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Subject: CW & HF Licensing
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960821145610.8474L-100000@gonzo.wolfenet.com>

Yes, probably a 5-20W limit wouldn't be workable...the RF Power control
would be mighty tempting ;-)

Several suggestions about simplifying further to three classes...one
similar to General with no code requirement.  Combine the existing
Advanced and Generals.  Leave Extra alone.  If the entry-level was
restricted to 100W (entirely feasible), this could work.

If there were frequency privileges to be restricted, I'd pick 20-meters
and possibly the WARC bands to be unavailable to the new hams.  The CW
requirement would not be changed until the WRC in '99, so we may have an
exclusive 40-meter allocation and not have the crowded situation on 40
that we now "enjoy".

Very useful commentary...

73, Ward N0AX

>From kr4dl@mindspring.com (Steven R. Schmidt)  Thu Aug 22 03:30:30 1996
From: kr4dl@mindspring.com (Steven R. Schmidt) (Steven R. Schmidt)
Subject: NAQP SSB 96 Scores
Message-ID: <>

At 12:02 PM 8/21/96 -0300, you wrote:
>Raw Scores

>N9ITX/7               60,298        511        198

Something's wrong with this picture.  A typo, or Michael really has 101,178
points.  That's quite a difference.  If the Q's and Mults are correct, Mike,
you may want to revise your summary sheet.

73,  Steve  KR4DL

>From tree@lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Aug 21 23:44:45 1996
From: tree@lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Subject: New 160 meter contest rules
Message-ID: <199608212244.PAA12841@lady.axian.com>

Here is the current draft.  Some details (like the name and awards) 
are still being worked out.  

73 Tree

                               RULES (draft)
                        STU PERRY DISTANCE CHALLENGE

1. Contest period:  1500Z December 28th to 1500Z December 29th, 1996.
   Operate for a maximum of 14 hours with one time off period.

2. Bands and mode: 160 meters CW only.

3. Categories: Single operator or multi-operator. Only one signal may
be transmitted at a time.  Packet spotting may not be used (W1BB didn't
use packet).  Transmitting and receiving antennas must be located at
the same QTH.

3. Exchange: RST and four digit grid square (ie: CN85).  Participants 
are encouraged to send real signal reports instead of the same report
for each contact.  Those who send the same RST for each QSO will be suitably 
embarrassed when they see the results.

4. QSO Points: The number of QSO points for each contact depends on the
distance between the two stations.  This is computed by taking the distance
between the centers of the two grid squares.  Count a minimum of one point
per QSO and an additional point for every 500 kilometers distance.  For 
example, a QSO with a station 1750 kilometers away will count for 4 QSO 
points.  No additional distance for long path is allowed.

If you are unable to obtain the grid square of a station during the contest,
you must still obtain the RST and count the QSO for only one point.  You 
are not permitted to determine the grid square in any method other than 
receiving it from the station.

5. Score: Final score equals the total number of QSO points.  There is 
no mutliplier for different grids worked.  Stations running 5 to 100 watts
output may multipliy their score by 2.  Stations running less than 5 watts 
multiply their score by 4.  Separate score listing for single ops and
multi-single.  Please NO PACKET.

6. Awards: TBD.  We are working on tee shirts and other awards.

7. Reporting: You log can be sent via the internet to TBDC@CONTESTING.COM 
or via diskette to KM9P.  Logs should be in ASCII format.

Logs will be checked using computer techinques to detect busted callsigns 
and not-in-log QSOs.  CT, NA and TR software will support this contest 
complete with QSO point calculation.  Busted QSOs will be removed from 
both logs. Unique percentages will be reported in the results.

>From kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale Martin)  Thu Aug 22 00:56:58 1996
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale Martin) (Dale Martin)
Subject: Gate 2 at LAST!!
Message-ID: <01BB8F92.8B40D660@pm3-140.hal-pc.org>

Ed and/or Shadow, and CQ-Contest 

For those interested in the gate opening coming up, here's the location where 
the news announcement from the FCC will be posted. If it is like their July gate
opening, it will be posted one month prior (~Aug 22, like you said Ed and/or


(be sure to work me in SS with your new callsign!!)



From:   k4sb@avana.net[SMTP:k4sb@avana.net]
Sent:   Wednesday, August 21, 1996 18:08 PM
To:     cq-contest@tgv.com
Subject:        Gate 2 at LAST!!

The FCC will announce on August 22 that Gate 2 will open on September 23, 1996.

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