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Information needed

Subject: Information needed
From: bscott@thor.pla-net.net (bscott@thor.pla-net.net)
Date: Sun Oct 6 23:17:52 1996
I need to have a Yaesu FT-757GX repaired, as the RF-amp is going out of it. 
Where is the best-cheapest-fastest-most reliable place to have it repaired?
Should I just send it back to Yaesu? 
Sure hate not having a back-up radio with CQWW just around the corner...
Thanks a bunch, guys, you are a WEALTH of info to us new contesters...
73' Bob

Address: bscott@pla-net.net
Name: Bob Scott
Amateur radio call: KF9YH
Member: Society of Midwest Contesters
Member: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (Paramedic)
The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author.

>From w5robert@blkbox.COM (Robert)  Mon Oct  7 05:06:06 1996
From: w5robert@blkbox.COM (Robert) (Robert)
Subject: HV2 antenna
Message-ID: <9610062306.aa00209@blkbox.COM>

Two questions on the HV2:
After you add the 160 meter coil for the contest
does it still tune 80/40 or do you have to run out and refeed
the antenna??
Do you really use that little coil at the base to ground?
73 Robert  WB5CRG  w5robert@blkbox.com   

>From mats.persson@mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK)  Mon Oct  7 07:00:57 1996
From: mats.persson@mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK) (SM7PKK)
Subject: Bandplan
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I think it shows bad taste to go outside the SSB portion. The only thing
that this will
accomplish is to cause problems for ourselves. I know K1AR wrote an article
on this
subject in CQ magazine about a year back stating that the contest committes
could not=20
discualify stations going down on the CW portion on 40M while in SSB
contest. The
 argument was that they could not be 100% sure it was the station heard
being there
 (could be a pirate) I felt this was  wrong and I still  think it is wrong.
I have several
 times noted that it has been rare DX-location contesters moving down there
ofcourse attract a whole lot of other stations. It would be quite easy for
the committes=20
to (with a taperecorder) record the stations being there.
It would then be quite easy to verify the main offenders and discualify
them. After all
if a station is running more than 100 QSO's an hour a few minutes of
recording will give=20
quite an amount of evidence. Ofcourse it would be more difficult to catch
the guys making one
 contact with the DX. Which is ofcourse just as bad. But atleast that would
very rapidly=20
reduce the amount of stations going down there. So then the problem would go

It doesn=B4t matter that there is no rule against going below  in every
countries license All are bound=20
to follow the IARU Band-plans even if some countries have looser rules than
others themselves.
If a station claim he can work below without problem then who can he
work!??? He would incourage=20
others to break their rules.
As I have stated before Amateur radio is an International hobby with
International requirements.
Those are the guidlines we must abide by or things wont work.
The ham bands can only work for us if we follow the band-plans=20

War or not I urge the contest committes especially for CQWW to discualify
Not doing so is to encourage wrong doings. Why discualify a station with 5 %
dupes if a contester
can make 20% of his QSO=B4s totally illegal outside the band plan.

73 de Mats SM7PKK
SM7PKK                  E-mail: mats.persson@mbox2.swipnet.se
Mats Persson            The SM7PKK DX-Pedition Site - 
Zenithgatan 24 # 5              DON=B4T USE CALLBOOK ADRESS IT=B4S WRONG!
S-212 14 Malmoe
Sweden                  CW !!

P.S My logs are open forever.. ever.. ever..

I do not want to receive any MAILORDER offers of any kind to my e-mail

>From fmart@nil.fut.es (EA3KU Fernando Martinez)  Mon Oct  7 09:50:10 1996
From: fmart@nil.fut.es (EA3KU Fernando Martinez) (EA3KU Fernando Martinez)
Subject: Using ALPHA 76A in WARC bands
Message-ID: <3258C442.7F13@tinet.fut.es>

Hello friend's:

I have friend that bougth few moth a go an ALPHA 76 A. In the owner's 
manual he read that ist possible to use this amplifier on 18 and 24 MHZ.
I faxed 2 times and wrote a letter to ETO but he dont receive any 

Please can some one help us to know how to use the ALPHA 76 A on 18 and 
24 Mhz ?

Thank's in advance.


>From silver@ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)  Mon Oct  7 15:14:38 1996
From: silver@ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Subject: MFJ-432 Voice Keyer
Message-ID: <199610071414.LAA19966@ax.ibase.br>

Dear friends,

I intend to purchase a voice memory keyer for the upcoming contests and I am 
thinking about the MFJ-432 Voice Memory Keyer, the reason is: I can use it with 
my TS850 or my FT757GXII, either one. 

However I concern about the product's quality. I'd like to receive some notes 
about this MFJ product.


and cu on the CQWW (SSB and CW)

Carlos - PY1CAS
E-mail: silver@ax.apc.org

>From jfunk@adams.net (jim funk)  Mon Oct  7 15:15:16 1996
From: jfunk@adams.net (jim funk) (jim funk)
Subject: CQP/IQP
Message-ID: <9610071415.AA16396@golden.adams.net>

Hello all,
        Congratulations to the CQP organizers for a great event.  Though 
N9IQV's YL voice failed to snare all 58 counties, we had a good time.
        Don't forget the Illinois QSO Party coming up on *Sunday* October 
20. (1800Z Oct 20-0200Z Oct 21; only 8 hours).  Note that CQ Magazine 
totally bombed the dates for CQP, PA and ILL....  Several Illinois mobiles 
will be trying to maximize your multiplier count.
        73, Jim N9JF
The Lane, The Pole, The 2-Yard Line, 14.002; Radio Contesting isn't for Sissies.

>From kt4ld@juno.com (Andrew H Lewis)  Mon Oct  7 15:18:56 1996
From: kt4ld@juno.com (Andrew H Lewis) (Andrew H Lewis)
Subject: ARRL/RAC section # ????
References: <8C9B4D9.0001045AAA.uuout@sourcebbs.com>
Message-ID: <19961007.102046.4415.0.KT4LD@juno.com>

All you have to do is send you're state and QSO serial number. Give it a
try, the PA QSO party is really fun but not as fun as the CQP.

                                                      KT4LD-16 YEARS OLD

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