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Pennsylvania QSO Party Results

Subject: Pennsylvania QSO Party Results
From: DougHDH@aol.com (DougHDH@aol.com)
Date: Mon Feb 3 17:08:08 1997
The Results of the Pennsylvania QSO Party are now complete.  Top scores have
been posted on the Web Site 


Printed results will be in the mail by March 1 (as soon as we can get some
volunteers to fold and stuff) .  If you want a  copy, sent me a note through
the web site.  

The Pa. QSO Party banquet will be on July 5, in Harrisburg Area.  Awards and
plaques will be presented for those attending.  More on the Web Site as
details become available!

73,  Doug Maddox, W3HDH

>From slazar19@sgi.net (Spike Lazar)  Mon Feb  3 23:26:50 1997
From: slazar19@sgi.net (Spike Lazar) (Spike Lazar)
Subject: Cheap Airfares
Message-ID: <199702032326.SAA17545@orion.bv.sgi.net>


A number of airlines are offering e-flier discount tickets, simply
set your web browser to the following e-mail addresses. Once you
register, each Wednesday they will e-mail you specials for the
vacant seats they have for that weekend! It's a great way to get
rid of the family for a weekend, then you can finally operate your
favorite contest.

For you newbee's you can drop in on K4OJ, K5ZD or W5WMU during
the cw sweepstakes weekend!

USair        http://www.usair.com
Norhtwest    http://www.nwa.com
American     http://www.americanair.com
Continental  http://www.flycontinental.com

Unrelated to the following is that Jerry K9MY (WN9JAT) saw his shadow 
on groundhog day, so there will be 6 more weeks of contesting. Speaking
of Jerry, he has a nice web site, with Dayton Pictures and much more
stuff!  http://www.qth.com/k9my/index.html , while your visiting
why not cast a vote for his sight by clicking on the "starting point"

73, Spike W9XR

>From rbowen@iglobal.net (Ralph Bowen)  Mon Feb  3 23:56:13 1997
From: rbowen@iglobal.net (Ralph Bowen) (Ralph Bowen)
Subject: VHF/UHF TV Propagation Computer Pgm?
Message-ID: <19970203235612453.AAA219@rbowen.iglobal.net>

At 02:53 PM 2/3/97 EST, K1VR wrote:
>I represent (i.e., as attorney) a major contester who is trying to erect
>a tower in a town hostile to towers.

There was an interesting article in today's (2/3/97) Wall Street Journal
(front page) about the Polish Radio LW (2100') tower which collapsed in
1991;  the public radio station has yet to be able to put it back up because
of a lady who claims the radio wave radiation killed her husband (she lives
1 mile away) and has tied it up in the court system since that time.

If a public broadcast station can't do it, what about us "darned contest"

73,  Gator  N5RZ   rbowen@iglobal.net

>From ea7wa@arrakis.es (Angel M. Claus)  Tue Feb  4 00:16:54 1997
From: ea7wa@arrakis.es (Angel M. Claus) (Angel M. Claus)
Subject: Restructure es contesting
Message-ID: <199702040016.BAA06468@arrakis.es>

At 09:23 3/02/97 -0500, Tom, NM1Q  wrote:

>As long as CW is "officially" dead as a mode,

>From Heard Island operation:
Summary of All Contacts:
  Mode   SAT    10    12    15    17    20    30    40    80   160 Total
    CW   144   110   574  5362  5149 11977  7111 11079  2789  1241 45536 *******
   SSB   490   118   174  4456  4542 16318     0  4479  2504     0 33081

Do you really think that CW is a dead mode ???

73 de Angel,  EA7WA / EA7CEZ 

E-mail : ea7wa@arrakis.es
Fidonet: 2:345/702.2
BBS    : ea7wa@ea7urc.eaco.esp.eu

>From km9p@contesting.com (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA)  Tue Feb  4 00:53:52 1997
From: km9p@contesting.com (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA) (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / 
Subject: Towers & the future
Message-ID: <199702040053.TAA14175@paris.akorn.net>

My wife and I are looking for a new house right now.  She wants to live in a
subdivision that has a pool, playground for the youngster, and people her
age to socialize with on occasion.  Who can blame her?  

Well I'm here to tell you...   If I didn't have my contest station in the
mountains I'de probably be forever a guest-op or just plain QRT.  You simply
can not buy a house (in Atlanta anyway) in a new subdivision without
restrictive covenants.  It's pretty depressing and I personally think it
doesn't say much for the future of radio'ing.

Who said life was fair?


Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA (EX KM9P)

>From tbic@juno.com (Thomas L. Bickley)  Tue Feb  4 00:56:08 1997
From: tbic@juno.com (Thomas L. Bickley) (Thomas L. Bickley)
Subject: Restructuring Comments
Message-ID: <19970203.185616.7271.0.tbic@juno.com>

Requiring a sending test and 1 minute solid cpy fer any cw examinee may
create a problem for some volunteer examiners. I know an examiner who
got his Extra code credit using a medical waiver. Several other Extras
who help him give exams also are medical waiver Extras.
This would be a terrible hardship on these guys, don't u think? : )

>From bschwerdlin@hlb.com (Bob Schwerdlin)  Tue Feb  4 01:27:08 1997
From: bschwerdlin@hlb.com (Bob Schwerdlin) (Bob Schwerdlin)
Subject: Available for ARRL CW contest (USA & Abroad)
Message-ID: <19970204012708339.AAA138@ast2.hlb.com>

Re-transmitting this message...

Due to low funds available this year (cash is tight), I am asking around to
see if anyone is in need of another high speed CW operator for the ARRL DX
CW contest next month.

I was part of the V31EV team last year.  2nd place North America in M/S
catagory.  4300+ Q's.   -  I was asked to go again this year, but airfare to
Belize was over $700 USD not counting food and lodging, that would put me
over $1000 USD and I just can't afford that much this time around.

I am willing to travel to most anywhere in USA or cheap airfare to Europe or
Carribian.  But I must know pretty quickly if you need me, so I can make
arrangements, etc...

Let me know A.S.A.P.

Bob Schwerdlin,  WG9L, V31RC, FP/WB9VLV

bschwerdlin@hlb.com    (work - daily)
WG9L@axon.axnet.com    (home)
WG9L@aol.com           (home, alternate)
847-965-5922           (Niles, IL - near Chicago, IL  -  home)
312-454-1116 x 326     (work - Chicago,IL)   

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