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[CQ-Contest] RESULTS - 12th Internet Sprint

Subject: [CQ-Contest] RESULTS - 12th Internet Sprint
From: trey@kkn.net (Trey Garlough)
Date: Sat Mar 8 16:27:10 1997
                   RESULTS - 12th Internet Sprint 
                        by K2MM and N6TR

The 12th internet sprint was held on December 22nd from 0200 to 0400Z.
It was surprising to find 40 meters in good shape for most of the contest
with only six percent of the QSOs taking place on 80 meters.  This
probably drove the two radio guys nuts!

Bill Fisher, N4VJ, dusted off his new K4AAA callsign and ended up with
194 claimed QSOs.  This is the same number that KR0Y came up with last
December.  However, after the log was Zapped, Bill's score ended up 
one QSO below Jeff's record.  Hot on Bill's heels were a couple
of N2 stations (although only one of them was using his real call).

N0AX continues to shine when we all play with equal power and had
a very respectable score from the NorthWest (it seems the normal
NorthWest king got confused and thought this was the Squint and
ended up operating with three kids in the shack).  Another notable
effort comes from Daniel Craig (yes - some relation to another
well known Craig of N6ND fame) - who broke into the top ten in
eighth place.  You will be hearing more from this teenager in 
the future I bet.

Nice to see some activity from Europe and even an entry from 
South Africa - with 31 QSOs in it no less!!  If the Europeans
ever figure out that they can win this thing if they get enough
activity in Europe, we might be in for some exciting finishes.

You will notice the lack of name traces in these results.  The 
reason for that is the low percentage of QSOs that we had the
logs for on both ends of the QSO (see the summary).  The amount
of effort required to do the name traces grows quickly as
this number comes below 90 percent.  

Then next internet sprint is currently not scheduled.  My crystal 
ball says there won't be one this spring.  Perhaps there will be
one in August or December.

73 Tree N6TR

               Internet SprINT Participation Statistics

Date          9612  9608 9604 9512 9507 9504 9501 9407 9404 9401 9310 9305
Logs Sub'd      44    39   37   49   33   32   29   45   29   30   26   29
Calls Found     94    63   62   76   82   50   64   88   54   55   47   74

20m QSOs         0  1587 1915    0 2871  967    0 3258 1457 2170 1552 2471
40m QSOs      3698   717 1772 2518  587 1629 2115  247 1081  758  574    2
80m QSOs       237     0    0 2080    0    0  619    0    0    0    0    0
QSOs NoMatch   836   108  235  368  488  328  348  461  144  156  214  391
QSOs Matched  3099  2194 3452 4230 2970 2268 2386 3044 2394 2772 1912 2082
Total QSOs    3935  2302 3687 4598 3458 2596 2734 3505 2538 2928 2126 2473
Pct. Matched  78.8  95.3 93.6 92.0 85.9 87.4 87.3 86.8 94.3 94.7 89.9 84.2

                             SCORE LISTINGS

#OK  = your score
#NG  = contacts not credited
RXNG = you busted the call/number/name of the station you worked
TXNG = the station you worked busted your call/number/name
DUPE = you worked the same station within 3 previous non-dupes
BCHG = total number of band changes

CALL            #OK  #NG RXNG TXNG DUPE BCHG ACC'Y (each * is 1% over 80%)
k4aaa (n4vj)    184   10    1    9    0   18  94.8 **************
w0gu (n2ic)     175    9    2    7    0    8  95.1 ***************
n2nc            174    6    5    2    0    2  96.7 ****************
k6ll            166    6    2    4    0    0  96.5 ****************
n0ax            145    8    1    7    0   12  94.8 **************
wd0t            144    4    2    1    1    7  97.3 *****************
ny4a            142   12    5    7    0    0  92.2 ************
kc6cnv          141    5    2    3    0    1  96.6 ****************
wb5b            135    4    3    1    0    2  97.1 *****************
wb0o            131    7    4    3    0    5  94.9 **************
k1ht            122    8    3    5    0    0  93.8 *************
k0deq           122   13    9    4    0    0  90.4 **********
ww2y            114    5    2    3    0    4  95.8 ***************
k5nz (kb5yvt)   112    8    5    3    0    0  93.3 *************
kb0ihm          108    4    0    4    0    0  96.4 ****************
wq5l            107    4    1    3    0    0  96.4 ****************
aa3b            104    2    0    2    0    7  98.1 ******************
k1vut           104    5    3    2    0   22  95.4 ***************
k6aw             96   10    5    5    0    2  90.6 **********
n9jf             94    5    1    4    0    0  94.9 **************
aa5bt            92    4    4    0    0    0  95.8 ***************
k7lxc (kg5u)     92    7    5    3    0    0  92.9 ************
w1nn             92    9    3    6    0   18  91.1 ***********
wb0ola           83    5    5    0    0    1  94.3 **************
k9ma             81    9    5    4    0    0  90.0 **********
wa0i             80    4    3    0    1    0  95.2 ***************
n9ig             65    4    3    0    1    1  94.2 **************
w4au             65   11    9    1    1    4  85.5 *****
w4ef             64    5    3    2    0    0  92.8 ************
wa2dfi           59    4    3    2    0    0  93.7 *************
k7rat (n6tr)     57    5    3    2    0    3  91.9 ***********
n7wa             50    4    1    3    0    1  92.6 ************
k8kfj            45    5    1    2    2    0  90.0 **********
n5ko             36    1    0    1    0    0  97.3 *****************
zs6cax           23    8    7    1    0    0  74.2 
g4buo            20    6    2    4    0    0  76.9 
n6nc             15    6    4    2    1    0  71.4 
w6ct             14    1    0    1    0    0  93.3 *************
k7lr             12    0    0    0    0    0 100.0 ********************
wl7e             12    1    0    1    0    3  92.3 ************
ly1dd             8    0    0    0    0    3 100.0 ********************
k5tr              7    0    0    0    0    0 100.0 ********************
rw3fo             5    0    0    0    0    1 100.0 ********************
aa4ga             4    0    0    0    0    0 100.0 ********************
wc4e            -10   10    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
np3a            -13   13    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
n8na            -17   17    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
w2jj            -20   20    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
n4cw            -23   23    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
w1hij           -23   23    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
n9gg            -35   35    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
kz5dx           -39   39    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
n5tj            -39   39    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
n7ex            -46   46    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
k6gv            -61   61    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
k9nw            -68   68    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
ab5lx           -84   84    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
k5zd            -89   89    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
k7sv           -101  101    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log
w9re           -113  113    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log

#OK + #NG is the raw claimed score.  #NG is the number of busted contacts.
Some contacts may be busted for more than one reason, so RXNG + TXNG + DUPE
may be greater than #NG.  Stations making more than 10 QSOs who did not
submit a log were penalized one point per unreported QSO!

                       THIS RUNNING'S HORSERACE GRAPH

    This graph shows the race between N2NC and W0GU minute by minute.
    The x-axis is a constant rate of 170 QSOs per two hours.  Each line
    above/below the x-axis is one valid QSO more/less than that rate.

    Call:  N2NC  W0GU  (tie)
    Sign:    n     g     #

    0200      0210      0220      0230      0240      0250      0300
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         n  93
    |         |         |         |         |         |n      nn|
    |         |         |         |         |         n nnnnnn  |
    |         |  nn n   |         |   n nn n|nn nnn nn|         |
    |       nn| n  n n nn         |nnn n  n n  n   n  |  g      g  89
    |         nn      n |nn nnnnnnn         |   g     |gg gggggg|
    |  # #    |         |  n      |     gg ggggg gg ggg         |
    ##n # nn  |         |         |   gg  g |      g  |         |
    +-g---ggg-+--g-g---ggggggggggg+-gg------+---------+---------+  85
    |        gg g g ggg |         gg        |         |         |
    |         |g        |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |

    0300      0310      0320      0330      0340      0350      0400
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    n  nn     |         |        n| nn  n   |         |         |
    |nn  n    |  nnn n  n   n  nn nn  nn #n#|  ##n   g|     nnn |
    |     nn nn n   n nngn#n n    |   g g g ###  g#ggn|nnn ng gg|
    |       n |n   g   g|g gggn   | gg g    |       n #   n  g ng 175
    gg g      |  gg ggg |     gg  |         |      n  |ggg g    n 174
    | g    gggggg       |       gggg        |         |   g     |
    |   ggg   |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 170
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    4444444444444444444444444444444444444444|4444444444444444444| n2nc
    |         |         |         |         8         |         | band
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    4444444444444444444444444  4444444444444| 44   44444  444444| w0gu
    |         |         |    88   |         88  888   | 88      | band


Got home from a family Christmas party, came in the shack, hooked up 
the 40m antenna, and turned on the rig.  Then I remembered the contest -
at 0356z!  I can still get on and make a few Qs...try out the new club vanity
call.  I hear N9JF CQing, and instinctively dump in AA4GA...oh well, may
try the new call in NAQP.  Oh yeah, I need to log this stuff.  Grab a
scrap of paper and record 2 Qs, then find another scrap for the second two
Qs and it's all over...didn't even have time to boot the computer and get
the logger running.  This contest will be lots more fun when I let the
computer do the sending and remember to send the right name!  So, my first
encounter with the "Sprinternet" contest leaves plenty of room for score
improvement.  See y'all next time! - AA4GA

Sounded like some big scores were made this time around. I remembered
at midnight local time that I don't have an 80m antenna at present. Glad
I didn't go out to put it up in freezing temperatures - it seemed from
activity that people QSYed to 80m after an hour or so, but then came
back to 40.
The 150W limit is awkward. Too high to run barefoot, so if we have to
use an amplifier why not allow legal limit power? It was very difficult
to work anything above 7.040 because of SSB QRM. Higher power would help.
Anyway I love sprint contests - why else would I get out of bed in the
middle of the night?  Lots of 'panama' names in circulation! - G4BUO


Despite some cockpit errors (surprisingly many -- I hadn't had time to
get my mind focused on this contest) I wound up with 130 QSOs, my best
to date.  It will be interesting to see how many QSOs were made on 80.  
I was going strong on 40 until 0345Z, and it didn't make a lot of sense 
to change bands at that point, even though I had spent part of the
afternoon re-installing the two elevated radials that the recent storm 
had removed from my vertical.
A fair number of odd names showed up this time, especially toward the
end.  I suspect that GEEQYE and GEEK are related.  No doubt the
traces will tell how.  And, of course, we had NINE, NIN, and NINZER,
maybe also NIA.  But what about INKAR and KIAR?! - K1HT

This is a lot of fun. Thanks for the effort in putting it together. - K6LL

Top Ten Reasons Why KG5U Went to Seattle for Christmas:
10. To visit his mom, sister, and niece, all of whom he hadn't seen in
three years.
9.  To lose the other half of his round-trip ticket
8.  To escape the freezing temperatures of Houston
7.  To shovel snow and hack ice from the porch and sidewalk of his
sister's house.
6.  To learn how to shift from 2- to 4-wheel drive in a Jimmy.
5.  To dig snow out from under and manually push other people's cars out
of snow.

4.  To dig ice and snow out from under and manually push other people's
cars out of snow while HIS feet are in six inches of COLD water (that's
snowmelt, folks...the day AFTER number 5, above!!)
3.  To drive 200 miles over snowy, icy roads to stand in snow in
freezing temperatures along the Skagit River watching two bald eagles
sit in a tree a half-mile away.
2.  To see the bar his sister owns.
And, finally, the real reason why KG5U went to Seattle was:
1.  To operate the Internet Sprint CW Contest from K7LXC!!

I wonder why this Contest is not popular in EU, only some EU stations
were operating. FB signal from ZS6CAX. - LY1DD

Well...a pretty good show...nearly 40-meters only here.  Only worked a few
stations on 80.  I started out with the name "XENA" and had high hopes of
seeing it permute, but it vanished instantly.  I later heard "WARD" come
around (wierd getting your own name back) so somebody made an assumption
about my exchange...maybe the first QSO?  I worked hard this time to
maximize accuracy...doubt if it's a golden log, but good practice.  Merry
Christmas to all! - N0AX

I honestly expected to do better but it was still fun.  See you in the 
next one.  I would like to advise entrants to be sure that the previous 
QSO was actually completed. Twice,  I had busted Q's because I didn't 
fully copy a name and could not get the attention of the station I was 
working as he had already been grabbed by someone else. All I could 
do was delete the contact and that means we both lost points. - N7WA

Started with "Poppy" in honor of a favorite cow.  My wife thought that
was weird until I told her about Grinch, Slupy, Gluey and Geeknye....Never
heard Poppy again, or any likely permutation of it.  Did somebody take it and
QSY to 80 and never return?  Or just QRT?  How can anybody think about band 
changes during this thing?  How can anybody THINK, period?  Two hours is 
about my max; don't change it!! - N9JF

<I thought I woudl include this log, just because it is very interesting to 
 see what the contest looked like from a very far away place>

     NAME: Dmitri V. BAGNO RW3FO
  ADDRESS: 11-20, Leningradskaya str., Khimki, 141400, RUSSIA
 INTERNET: bagno@inm.ras.ru (sorry- not accessible till the middle of January)
                ANTENNAE: 80m- GP; 40m- dipole;
                          2x250m long Beverages @4m to E & W

Started with name "DIMA"; QTH sent "RU"
40 0207 LY1DD  001 001 ROM    LY
40 0234 ZS6CAX 002 007 DIMA   ZS
40 0248 G4BUO  003 011 PANAMA G
80 0259 LY3MM  004 001 DIMA   LY
80 0317 LY1DD  005 005 ANDY   LY
Marry Cristmas and happy new year from frosty  (-25C now) Moscow!
Sincerely yours,
Viktor Melnikov,
Russian National Trade Point Director

The shack is heated with off-peak electric.  Usually in a contest I
have all ten Alpha's running at the same time, which keeps things
nice and toasty.  Tonight it is -22F outside and the shack heat has
only been on 15 minutes per hour all day.  Temp in the shack during
the test- a balmy 50F! (It probably doesn't even get that cold
OUTSIDE, AT NIGHT at K6LL's QTH).  A barefoot OMNI VI does not seem
to generate any heat.
40M went long, minimal activity on 80M, the last half hour was pretty
slow.  The W6's seem to fall perfectly in the side null of the 40 and
80 four squares when pointed SE. Co-fed each with an inverted-v,
which sure seemed to help. - WB0O

"Always fun to work the best CW ops in da bidness.." - W6HB

What a fun way to spend 2 hours!!  The wife even likes this one.  My best Q
total to date in this contest.  Mr. Smoothie award to K4AAA, fast and efficient!
Best sigs heard N2NC, K0DEQ, WB0OLA, and WB0O (of course).  I could not get a 
rhythm for this again until 35 minutes or so into the contest.  Just need more 
practice.  What is a GEEKNYE? or GINKY?  Most Worked - N2NC - 11 (one was a 
dupe, sorry John!) - WD0T

Incredibly frustrating this time...great conditions...everyone
working everyone...I could barely get a call in edgewise! I think
it'd be nice if the required number of QSOs between QSOs with the
same station were increased beyond three. - WQ5L


All entrants' graded logs have been sent to them via e-mail.  These logs, as
well as this and past results, are available via anonymous FTP:

    ftp://jzap.com/pub/int/YYMM-log.zip  (YYMM = 9612)

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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