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[CQ-Contest] Re: Optimum Keyer Speed for WPX

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Optimum Keyer Speed for WPX
From: brad4@roanoke.infi.net (M.G. Brafford)
Date: Mon May 26 12:20:35 1997
> From: Jan-Erik Holm <JEH@on.mobile.telia.se>
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Optimum Keyer Speed for WPX
> > I agree that many operators seem not to be able to copy at the speed they 
> > sending.  I usually do my S&P activity at 32 WPM just to limit the number 
> > repeats.  Of course it sometimes depends on how loud you are at the other 
> > and how much QRM there is.
> >
> > I hate these cut numbers.  I never know if the guy sent 'T' for zero, or 
did I
> > miss a dot of 'N' for nine?  I would just as soon have everyone send 5NN 
> > then send the full numbers.  But I see this as a trend that will keep 
> > worse before it gets better.  It seems to be all the rage in Europe.
> >
> > Randy, K5ZD

I agree Randy! When You are fightning S9+ CB QRM on 10 meters,  the station
you are working is a 229, and he shoots you ENN ANEA at 40 wpm, it's
impossible to be sure he means 599 1951. The 599 is usually meaningless
but, the QSO # is vital. I guess the thinking of some stations is, most
people are just in here playing around, and they dont really copy the
number anyway, which may be true. My feeling is if the contest rules state
that a signal report and serial number shall be exchanged, then we need to
be doing just that. I hate those chopped 5's "E" and 1's "A". I guess the
only way to slow them down is ask for repeats till you are sure the # is
correct. By the way I ran across one guy that was in the CQWW mode, he was
giving 5NN5 for each QSO..OH well, I just copy what they send. It sure
would be nice to have some order, cause everyone seems to do it

73, Mick  W4YV    wc4dx for this wpx.

> --
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